On The Go

Today will be an on-the-road day as we have many chores to accomplish.

We went through the list of errands and decided not to pursue the following items today (maybe we will give them to Colleen!).

  • Two by four stretcher
  • 10ft of fallopian tube
  • A bee-line
  • AC battery
  • Adjustable needle-nose pliers
  • Ants’ milk
  • Holes for hole punches
  • Horizontal tent pegs
  • Hose Stretchers

The girls came at 8:15 am and cleaned the house, and we departed at 9:00 am to be in Los Alamitos at my heart doctor at 10:15 am.  He gave me a clean bill of health but also gave me another blood pressure med which we ordered immediately.

I must go out and get a pet aspirin (who will lie for me)

We took the Silver Fox to H&H Nursery in Lakewood, where we bought another blueberry bush, a tall climbing vine, and several vegetables.  I spotted an arbor that gave me an idea for the garden; a grape arbor between two planters.  The sun angle is just right.  I shall investigate further.

A friend said a wine he tried recently was bitter and not properly fermented.  Sounds like sour grapes to me.

Why not run the arbor between the planters?

We also found several trees, which we plan to get tomorrow.  One was a “Salad Bowl,” which had a peach, plum, nectarine, and apple on the same tree!  We found another apple tree with four kinds of apples on it!  Mary was quite excited about these finds.

Multiple choices!

What kind of apple has a short temper?  A crab apple.  Have you ever wondered how heavy a bushel of apples is?  Approximately 42 pounds of apples are found in a bushel.  All those apples can make about 21 pies, 3 gallons of cider, and 20 quarts of applesauce.

Four kinds of apples! We drove to Sunset Beach from the nursery and had lunch at the Himalayan Grill’s new digs.  Swanky and perfect for a few people to go dancing; Steve Dudek would be perfect here.

The new Himalayan Gril looks fantastic.

We are going to plan to have Steve Dudek play here and dance!

The food was as good as ever!  I had the lamb vindaloo seasoning level 10; Mary went on the safe side and did the Dal Soup and Chicken Salad.  Dal is a soup made of lentils and spices, bhat — usually rice but sometimes another grain — and a vegetable curry,

They had quite a variety of goodies.

In Nepal, especially among the Brahmin and chetry castes, the purity of food and drinks is taken very seriously.  Contact with saliva is almost universally considered to make food impure, which is considered to be jutho and may be seen as a sign of insult or grave ignorance.  Acceptability of jutho food follows the traditional hierarchy of respect, where parents’ jutho is acceptable to children but not vice-versa and so on.  People of equal standing, like friends and spouses may also share jutho, except among highly religious (where jutho is impure) or traditional people (where jutho is thought to transfer diseases, or husbands may be held superior to wives).  In a similar vein, food touched by pets and other animals, or where an insect drops, are discarded and the containers thoroughly washed.  Some exceptions may be made for animals traditionally thought pure, such as cows


Now that the tummies were full, we headed to our podiatrist, Dr. Bill Herman.  He will duplicate my inserts and lifts so I can keep one set in the tennis shoes and the other in the dress shoes.  He is now located in Newport Beach.

From there were went to CVS in Orange to get the new prescriptions and then home for dinner.   Colleen met us there, but she was too tired to visit Jan, so she crashed.  We finished our dinner, drove to the Jan’s, and sat a spell.  We came home at about 8:00 pm.

We visited Jan

We were tired, so we attempted to watch a movie in bed; I lasted five seconds and was out.  This was my second day of driving, and I needed to curl up and sleep!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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