Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
We first saw “Santa Jr.” Summary: Santa Jr, a young adult male, is caught near a family’s fireplace, by the police, after a frantic 911 call. Junior could have prevented getting himself caught but just does not have the Christmas spirit. Having no ready cash, he gets a public defender (Lauren Holly). She manages to get him released to her home for the holidays but Junior will be under house arrest. This ticks off a handsome detective (Judd Nelson) who has a crush on Holly and is afraid the Christmas bandit will be dangerous. And, what about Christmas? Doesn’t Santa need all of his helpers? Many film fans will always have a welcome mat out for cheerful, sweet holiday films. If you are one of these, try to find this little charmer. It has some laughs, some lessons, and a dash of romance. Production values are first rate. At holiday time, you’ll be glad you added this one to your wish list.
We then watched “Mrs. Miracle“. Summary: Overwhelmed widower Seth Webster is searching for a housekeeper to help him with his unruly six year old twin sons. “Mrs. Miracle” mysteriously appears and quickly becomes an irreplaceable nanny, chef, friend… and matchmaker.