Fact: Dentistry goes all way back to when humans first had teeth…well not quite that long. However, one study found evidence of teeth being drilled in skulls that dates from 7,500 to 9,000 years ago. The holes were likely made using a prehistoric bow-drill. Could that be the work of the first dentist? Other biting research conducted by the University of Bologna, Italy on a 14,000-year-old skull found that “one rotten tooth in the jaw had been deliberately scoured and scraped with a tool,” according to the BBC. That makes dentistry one of the oldest recorded professions and is definitely a reason to smile.
The sun was still struggling to get up above the horizon when we were outside having our morning coffee. 8:00 PM was the target time. He made it just under the wire.
The pumper truck was really busy today as it had to move 10 yards of cement from the street clear to the back of the property which is a little over 200 feet. You could tell the pump was struggling to get it back there.
It took longer to make the connections with the hose and run the hose clear to the back than it did to actually for the concrete. Those parts filled the entire back of a pick up truck.
It looks like a chick attic snake and I know that Scout, The Wonder Dog, was a little worried about it.
You’re comes the mud; Gary and his measuring stick right in front of where the concrete came out of the hose so we didn’t have to do much moving of the mud around once it was in the ground.
Mary to the rescue! I wondered where she was and about 20 minutes later she came out with a big plate of blueberry muffins and I mean blueberry. She took all of the blueberries that we had in the fridge into them in the batter and it was really juicy
It took just about an hour to do the poor in all of the beds. This is the first pour and it is setting the foundation for the walls to go around the various beds. Next week we start laying the brick for the beds which will be roughly 22 inches tall, just right for us to sit down and do our gardening.
It was already in the 80s when the truck started pumping the concrete out so we had to work fast to make sure it didn’t totally set up before we leave the first course of brick.
I went inside the house and got my trusty drone and flew it over the property now you can start to see where the beds are. There are five beds each of which are 25 feet long and most of them are four feet wide. The bed at the bottom right is 7 feet wide because that’s where we’ll grow our corn and melons next year.
The next pour will be the concrete between the beds and the two walkways at the top in the bottom of the garden. We expect that to occur in about 3 1/2 weeks.
I love the construction work it’s time to have fun. Bob and Robin came by the house at around 4:00 o’clock and we headed to the Santa Ana Elks for their 120th birthday party. We got dressed up in costumes.
We have a good time together and tonight.
We could not get by without doing the Robin pose.
Robin & Bob didn’t have to drive tonight because I acted as a chauffeur so he may have had maybe one little Drinky poo too much.
The alley was set up on the stage and Bob bowled two strikes back to back!
The prize you ask, it was a 45 gallon jug of red wine.
I think the ladies may have been ashamed of Bob and I for what we did. But I can’t really recollect what it was, it must’ve been bad.
We headed for home after 10 PM and ran into two hoochy-koochy girls in the parking lot.
It was a good night and the food was not too bad considering every serving 170 people in a short period of time. The music was great, and we danced and danced and danced until the wee hours or 10 PM, whatever comes first.