Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
We have enough youth. How about a Fountain of Smart?
Collen, Mary, and I got up and worked around the house for a while. There is always something to do around here. I had my landscaper add some driplines to the backyard, and he did an amazing job! Mary and I checked everything out, and it was perfect!
We planned to go to Annie’s this morning, so we got cleaned up and headed to banning. We visited for quite a while and visited so much; we didn’t even take a picture! Duh!
Robin came over and visited with Colleen, and they spent the day together.
We returned home about 4:00 PM after a long time on the freeway; I hate the 91 Freeway! By the time we got home, we were tired from driving, and they were tired from shopping, so we went to the new Mexican Seafood restaurant, Malta, for dinner. Did you hear about the new Mexican restaurant? It’s the taco the town!
The service was not so great, but we will give them another chance since they are just starting up. The food and the presentations were amazing!
Colleen drove home since I had two margaritas; we crashed after sitting around at the kitchen table for a while cracking jokes. I love it when the sisters get together, and adding Mary to the mix makes for a lot of belly-laughs.
I do remember Colleen saying, “Worrying works! More than 90 percent of the things I worry about never happen.”
Then Robin fired off with, “The easiest time to add insult to injury is when you’re signing somebody’s cast.”
Then Mary, not to be outdone, added to the hilarity by saying, “You don’t need a parachute to go skydiving. You need a parachute to go skydiving twice.”
Not to be left in the dust, I described the scene I saw yesterday with the three old guys!
By 11:00 PM, we crashed. Sunday is another full day!