Oh My! What’s For Dinner Tonight?

I entered what I ate today into my new fitness app, and it just sent an ambulance to my house!

Mary worked today, so while we took the baby for a walk, I asked what she would like for dinner.  She looked puzzled, and I said, “If you work, then I fix dinner so you can come in and sit down and unwind; it’s only fair!”. She does, however, have to be brave enough to eat whatever it might be!

It will be my goal to make it edible!

I suggested escargot, but that was turned down immediately. I asked Mary if she knew why the French eat snails.  She waited for my inescapable creative analysis with trepidation. I explained, “They don’t like fast food!”

My mind, or what remains of it at my advanced age, immediately began thinking about unconventional but creative possibilities. Perhaps fricasseed Yak?  The dinner was thinking about for Mary would be a surprise, but the last time I tried it, the fire trucks ruined the surprise.

After she departed for work, I did some wash, cleaned up the last vestiges of last night’s dinner, and worked on the Daily Diary.  Scout, The Wonder Dog, helped me by putting his head on my lap and keeping me from typing too fast!

I went to the market and got the supplies needed; I think I got too much!  The nice checkout man asked, “Are you cooking for the Army?” I quickly replied, “No, I am cooking for a lady who was in the Army!”

If all goes well, I am going to cook Italian sausage and peppers tomorrow evening but hopefully with assistance from Miss Mary!

I definitely overachieved!

It became obvious when I put the groceries in the van.  I thought to myself, “Self, what have you done?” Well, I got my weight lifting exercises in early today!

On the bright side, we will not have to go to the market for days!

Returning home, Scout, The Wonder Dog, was sure it was for him!

I called Colleen and as we chatted I asked her how she would fix masks that didn’t fit.  Mary got ten masks. all with eyes on them but they were too small.

Colleen looked at one using our Alexa Show and said, “Stretch them for a few hours”.  So, I put one on a drawer in the kitchen and let it sit all day.  When Mary got home after work, I told her what Colleen suggested.  Voila, it worked!  It fit perfectly. Colleen, our hero!

The kitchen drawers got a good workout. If all goes well, Mary will have many more masks to choose from tomorrow!

After attempting to put everything away, I began cooking around 3:00 PM.  I decided John Wayne’s Beef Stew was for dinner but with onions added to the recipe.  It was supposed to be spicy, but I got a mild hot sauce salsa to add for Miss Mary’s head would not explode.

The cleaning people will earn their keep this week!

The house smelled pretty good all afternoon because the stew was cooking in my Dutch oven.  While it may be true that a watched pot never boils, the one you don’t keep an eye on can make an awful mess on your stove.  I was never a good cook, nor could I make sandwiches.  I remember in school when we traded lunches. I had to throw in an article of clothing.

I threw in onions that were not in the recipe.

I found some bake and serve rolls in the freezer and prepared those since the juices are so good.

Mary was quite pleased and liked having a house boy; she has decided to rename me, Hop Sing!  M-m-m-m-m, I thought to myself, “Am I like a pool boy??”

She did say after one taste, “I would like to find a stew that will give me heartburn immediately, instead of at three o’clock in the morning.”

I had to leave about 7:15 PM to do my Sewer District meeting once a month.  I returned about 8:30 PM, and we worked on the puzzle.  We also called Greg and chatted with him.  He was going to run a Zoom test with Mary, but while I was gone, MAry got it working for her meeting tomorrow at 7:30 AM.

Greg The Zoomer at your service!

Greg always leaves us with a joke, so I provided a cartoon for him this evening! He is a good friend1

Mary is going to my post-operation meeting tomorrow. I worry about that a bit because she seems to tell the truth while I provide a tad of garnish to the story!

10:30 PM and it was lights out at Chez Liles! Mary and Scout headed for their room and I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.  Cooking is hard work!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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