Hurry Up 2021! We Can’t Wait For 2020 To Be Gone!

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Many things can be preserved in alcohol this New Year’s Eve, but my  DIGNITY is not one of them.

I’m not buying a 2021 calendar until I see the trailer.

On its way!

Not to brag, but I already have a date for New Year’s Eve—it’s December 31.

Mary invited me over early, and we did some cleanup as this season was busy and some things needed to get done.  I fixed the security light, put the fireplace flu back into code, and many other little things.  Miss Mary vacuumed and straightened up things.  By 11:30 AM, we were about done, so it was time for lunch.

Rumor has it that brunch is Oat Meal A La’ Mary, and I was waiting to see what was in the ingredients. Well, as expected, it was amazing.  However, Mary did pour some of the oatmeal on me!  I just had to ask her, “How can you be so gruel?”

We talked about our New Year’s resolutions. I told Mary, “My New Year’s resolution was to read more.”  She suggested I turn on the subtitles on my TV.

My New Year’s resolution is to stop procrastinating. I’ll start tomorrow!

We got cleaned up and did some errands.  First, to the USPS office to deliver some packages and time-sensitive mailings.  We then decided to go to the Rib Trader and have a tiny-tiny drinkie-poo.  We called Jim ahead of time so he could warn his better customers!

It’s nice to be a Rib Trader VIP!

We had our favorite Chardonnay  (a close cousin to two-buck Chuck) and then decided it was time for a steak.  We did our usual; Mary ordered two different steaks because she could not make up her mind, and we asked the chef to cut them in half, so each of us could try the two steaks.  We always try to compare them, but we always lose track.

Jim snapped our picture, and you know, we look pretty good together.

Then it hit me; I should try the TV antenna and see what I can get.  I put up the antenna, Jim took a picture, and I looked into Mary’s eyes and saw my two favorite local TV channels!

Stereo; KTTV in the right eye and KTLA in the left!

We got to the Trader early, so we decided to visit Jan and bring her some dinner.  We got a barbequed chicken, some veggies, and a baked potato.  When we arrived, she was very pleased as she had not eaten all day.  She tore into that chicken like she had not eaten in a month.  Bones were flying across the kitchen at amazing speeds.

Then we went home at about 7:20 PM so we could watch Two And A Half Men; we needed to get our giggle fix.

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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