Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Mid Week And All Is Well!

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

“It’s difficult for me to imagine the rest of my life without you. But I suppose I don’t have to imagine it… I just have to live it” – Ranata Suzuki

We took our grandsons to Alaska about 20 years ago, and there was no stopping Sue.  We flew airplanes, rode helicopters, and saw all the sights, never stopping because of her pain.  The boys were not aware of her condition, and they assisted me in getting her on/off trains, onto ice flows, into canoes, and on extensive tours of our ship!  She was today’s version of the “Unsinkable Molly Brown.”  She loved those boys with all her heart.  I miss her so much every single day, and I know the family misses her also!

No stopping Sue! We visited a church in the outback, and the path was unpaved, but she endured!

Robin was up about 5:00 AM, her standard time when she works.  My iPhone alarm went off, indicating someone was in the house, so I bounced up and headed for the kitchen.  We had our morning coffee, and then it was time to eat breakfast. We decided to go to the store first as we wanted to make sure the tequila mix was not sold out! Hey, there are essential things in life!

Zachary had some N95 masks that he dropped off the other day, and I am going to use them.  You can’t be too careful these days.

I used my divining rod, which shook violently as I approached the liquor section of Ralph’s.

Dowsing is one of my specialties! Success!  The dowsing rod shook so violently as I approached the liquor section of Ralphs, and I was sure the rod was saying, “Get two mixers while you are here!” We found the mix, but being an expert dowser, we also found a bottle of pre-mixed margarita mix ready to drink!  That is always a good thing, and we will end up using some of it today, I am sure!

We can drink again!

Robin wore her mask made from scarves, and it was quite attractive.  She brought me two homemade masks, which I shall use in the next several days.

Dressed for shopping

We headed to checkout in our Halloween costumes. We had more food than initially planned as I spotted some “breakfast steaks” and had to have them.

Going home and have breakfast!

We came home, unpacked the groceries, and I hit the stove running!  A protein breakfast was in the offing this morning! I got everything out and began the meal preparation.  Robin made the toast and set the table. I think we were hungry!

We had a protein breakfast! Keto, here we come!

Robin liked my frying pan.  Sue wondered why I got one so big, but I can do four eggs, two breakfast steaks, a hunk of ham, and I had four slices of bacon in this pan right before I took the picture.  Go proteins!  We are going to eat, like royalty!

Sizzle sizzle, looking good!

Of course, I always wear the latest chefs fashions.  You cannot see the apron well in this picture, but I got a professional chef’s apron complete with snap-on straps, pockets, and of course, the mandatory beany to protect those last three hairs on my head!

The Dancing Chef

After lunch, it was time to walk!  We were a little worried about the rain, but we decided our skin was wash and wear, so we departed on a three-mile adventure.  We headed north, and 20 minutes into the walk, a strong wind came up almost instantly!  The flag was pointing into the sky as a bevy of leaves headed skyward.

The wind came up and was blowing stuff every which way!

Our neighbor is quite an artist making yard decorations out of anything and everything. The bunny rabbit, if you look carefully, was made from her palm tree. I little paint here and there, and a bunny rabbit is born.

There are a lot of talented people in this world!

From no clouds to rain clouds, we were not sure what was coming next!  We kept chugging along at breakneck speed!

Just hang on another 15 minutes until we get home!

Our walk was just shy of three miles, and it felt good, plus the weather stayed amazingly dry during the hour and a half.  A few minutes later, however, the clouds burst open, delivering a magnificent downpour lasting about thirty minutes.

It was a pleasant walk!

The cleaning folks were still doing their thing, so we sat down on the patio swing and had lunch.  Well, we drank our lunch.  We had peach margaritas.  Real food was not an option after that huge breakfast!

Liquid lunch!

We watched a new series on TV, suggested by Colleen, and then Robin headed for home.  It was so lovely to have her come by and keep me company.

I looked at the backyard, to make sure all was doing well after the heavy rain we had last night.  The veggies are coming up vigorously, and nothing appeared to be damaged! They seem to enjoy the water provided by the storm better than the water supplied by the hose!

Future dinners await Farmer Paul and his menus

The US Mail arrived, according to my security camera, so I wandered outside and collected the papers.  One envelope was large, and it was addressed to be from an old friend, George Lee.  Inside was a copy of a page from an old Rockwell phone book circa 1993 with Sue and my names listed.  Wow, memories from the past.  Also included was the sweetest note I have ever received.  George wrote an unbelievable letter which I will always cherish.  Thank you, George, for the kind thoughts!  I cried and thought a lot about the many years we have known each other.

I got ambitious and decided to do an accent wall in the master bathroom.  The floor is gray; the cabinets have pink accents, so I selected a pastel purple, which went with the new painting I just added.

Yes, I selected a pastel purple after much consideration!

The painting took about an hour from start to finish, including the cleanup, so I had some time.  I joined our evening family conference just to check and find out what everyone is doing!  Joe was not there this evening as he was probably preparing for his birthday!

Check-In Time! Colleen/Mark, me, Lisa/Pete, and Robin/Bob, forces to be reckoned with!

Lee called me, and we talked for a while, and tomorrow we are going to test out her new Alexa Show.  Dr. Mary Cote also called to chat and check up on me.  We have been friends and dancers for many years.  I called Irene and Jan to check up on them, and all was going well, although cabin fever seems to be running high at both households!  We just check each other out during these trying times; it is excellent to have many friends.

Mary and Jan at the Starlighter’s Dinner Dance March 2019 at the Yorba Linda Country Club

After the phone calls, I watched some TV and headed for the rack at 11:09 PM.  The old body needs some rest! Good night all!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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