Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Off To Stockton Top Deliver A Message

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

“To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors.”

Our Aunt Kaye is 96 and is adamant abot staying in her trailer home. Unfortunately, this is no longer possible because she cannot do for herself in terms of meals, washing, and basic necessities of life. She lost her best friend, Mitzie the doggie, so we decided it was the right time to say “We must move”.

Gayla, her daughter, is finding a nice home and as soon as she does, we are going back up to make a temporary move…we may have to stay a couple of days to get her moved, temporarily, and then see her a couple of times a day for a couple of days until she settles in. The biggest problem is the first day…after that she will be happy we are sure!

Aunt Kaye took care of my mother for years and years, especially after Mom’s stroke so this is something we must do…but, it is difficult at best!

After getting married to Sue, our families really bonded. Something I always wanted and didn’t have until Sue entered my life.

2009 and we are at Knott’s Berry Farm celebrating Christmas!

We went to her home and then off to lunch at “Strings’ in Lodi. She is quite amazing and we are going to be so relieved when we know that she is being watched, meals will be served AND she will have people around her! Gayla is a saint but she needs out help to push Kaye over the bump in the road!

96 and going strong…

Hard to believe, based upon the picture below, that we would one day be telling Aunt Kaye that she must leave her home and go to an assisted care facility. It just has to be done!

I am blessed to have such a supportive wife that loves my family and works with us to get Kaye into a comfortable facility. Thank you Sue…you are one in a trillion!!!

Tom (deceased), Paul (me), Aunt Kaye, and Gayla…Circa 1953 at Comey Avenue

After lunch, we headed down 99 arriving home at 8:30 PM…traffic sure moves on 99. I was doing 80 and getting passed like I was standing still! We stop at every rest stop just to walk around…at sunset we got a great view of Ol’ Sol going night-night!

We pulled in about 8:30 PM and then watched a little TV before crashing… Yes, it was tookie time this evening. 940 miles in two days plus visiting and the van got an average of 26.5 MPG driving with the traffic…. that is, 80+ most of the time!

Zip bipping right along with the big dogs!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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