It’s Me Birthday! Almost 3/4 Of A Century!

Anyone who believes that men are the equal of women has never seen a man trying to wrap a Christmas present.

Say it ain’t so… 74 today! OMG! that’s older than dirt!  One more year and I will have the silver jubilee anniversary.

Problem is, all the icing melts off quickly!

I decided to fix myself a birthday breakfast and I did! Do NOT worry, I ate it with chopsticks and I was told that if you do so, there is no calories! Yes, I dressed as a lumberjack this morning and carried my axe into the kitchen!  

Sue stayed her distance providing helpful advice as I worked my way through the fixin’s!

We stayed around the house most of the day only leaving at 2:00 PM to go to the Curtis Theater in Brea to see the Alley-Cats, world’s greatest Doo-Wop group!   We met them shortly after they formed as they were doing the OC Fair and we fell in love with their sound immediately!  We see them 1-2 times a year on a regular basis! 

Vicky arranged the activity, thank you Miss Vicky.  We had the Brander’s, Zaitz, Kuhn’s, Finch’s, Mike & Bridget and  Will & Iris plus us…as you can image, it was a fun filled afternoon and evening.

Today they were doing their Christmas Show but something was different…Royce was not there. Apparently a medical condition is keeping him from all the travel and that is too bad as he was a baseman’s base!

Royce…How low can you go?  He could rattle the windows a block away!

After the show, we went to ChaCha’s Latin restaurant for dinner with the gang and it was a BLAST!   We filled a long table and the laughing and giggling never stopped!

After laughing so hard and receiving a birthday dessert (plus a lot of loot from friends) we headed home.  We made some money on the deal because we drove the Branders to/fron the restaurant after the theater so they did not get lost…after all, it was almost two blocks away!

Christmas Memory #16 – The Rotating Platter!

Mom was always on the lookout for something “interesting” and for my second birthday, she found a platter that rotated and played Happy Birthday.  It wis 18″ in diameter and had birds on it.  You would turn the platter several revolutions and there was a small metal switch that would keep it from turning.  Once released, and the cake placed on top, the platter would rotate and play Happy Birthday.

The older I got the better it was since the platter turned, it was easier to blow out hte candles.

I have had it all these years and in fact it is in the closet and it is going to come out and be put to use next year, on birthday 75.

It is pretty fragile these days so I have it stashed carefully in a closet!  It is my hope to pass it on to one of the kids and in another generation of so it can be passed on!

It’s sad that many “kids” do not believe in “tradition” for ascribe anything special to keepsakes…guess it is the throw-away economies they grew up with.  I still have my grandfather’s straight razor and my Dad’s watch he was given for his 25th year with the dime store.  Why? I do not know but I keep them anyway!  Just something inside.

See the picture below from 1947…I am telling you I am three years young.  Checkout the glass ornaments and tinsel on the tree!  December birthdays are neat…we get a tree and cake!

Note: My lip looks swollen and it indeed was…earlier that month, I fell and landed on a milk bottle sitting on a concrete step leading to our house.  The bottle shattered and a piece went through my lip and gums and I have a scar under the nose…hence the mustache I have worn since I was four…OK, after high school!

After arriving home, we watched two Christmas movies!

Angels in the Snow: When nothing short of a miracle can hold a deteriorating family together, a Christmas getaway sets the stage for a miracle to occur. A heartwarming family story of love, loss and rediscovery.

Then we watched “Rodeo and Juliet“.  Big-city girl goes to the country and meets a special horse and young cowboy who teaches her to barrel race, while her mother reconnects with a local rancher she was in love with 20 years earlier.

It’s now 11:30 PM and time to crash as this week is another bust one… Doctors and Christmas activities have us going 90 miles and hour!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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