Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Before going to bed last night Sue remembered that we did NOT do the mailing for the Topper’s Dance Club. We are the Webmasters and some other office which means we do the club newsletter and mail out the invitations every month. We have done this for years now so we were both surprised about missing the deadline.
Paul got up extra early this morning and generated the newsletter plus prepared the mailing labels and envelops. When Sue got up, she proof read Paul’s efforts and then Paul made the necessary corrections and started printing the fifty copies needed.
Paul took a nice hour walk while Sue folded the newsletters and stuffed them into the envelopes. Paul ran down the street and hailed the letter carrier so they went right to the post office.
Sue is very supportive of Paul’s walking activities and is already there ready to help!
Paul met some interesting characters on the walk. In addition, he got some great pictures of Mother Nature’s spring time efforts to beautify the world! Please Join the walk!
Upon arriving back home, Sue had prepared a great lunch so we polished that off before getting ready to go to Old Ranch for a round of golf (well, nine holes anyway).
We get a lot of food from our social excursions but Sue, using her amazing culinary talents, turns average dishes into masterpieces. Paul sometimes thinks Sue is a mad scientist in her kitchen laboratory as she adds a dab of this, squirt of that, shake of this, and scoop of that… The result? Magic, pure magic!
Golf, for Paul, was wonderful. The balls went straight and long. Sue had a less successful day. But we both know that Thursday, it will likely turn around. Golf is golf! At least Paul got another couple of miles of walking in this afternoon!
We did some Happy Hour with Bunnaford and Dave O plus the Wards and that is always pleasant.
It’s five o’clock and time for Patty’ Place in Seal Beach. Paul got his St. Louis Steak Soup and a glass of wine so he would be prepared for the rest of the evening. Paul kept thinking about our accountant’s conversation regarding our retirement situation!
Homeward bound to catch an NCIS, a murder mystery, and an episode of Cheers.
BTW, we have home security set up and our new indoor camera seemed to be acting up as we got two unexpected alerts.
At 2:36 PM it alerted us someone was at the door! At 2:37 PM FedEx notified us, via text, our package arrived.
At 1:36 AM the inside camera alerted of activity. We watched the video and apparently the movement of the trees triggered our outside light to go on making the security system take notice. Wow, it really works!