Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Pre-St. Patricks Day!

We worked all day… Sue in the kitchen making a fantastic meal and Paul in the yard planting and digging.  Greg joined us for dinner!

The raised garden beds seem to do what we wanted.  Plenty of room and easy to work on!

The garden is beginning to fill up with veggies

The garden is beginning to fill up with veggies

The tomato cages are up and ready to support all the fruit.

The raised beds are working just fine

The raised beds are working just fine

The entire east wall has tomatoes, approximately 17 different kinds.  Most of them are Sue’s collection of interesting cherry tomatoes including white ones, blue ones, tiny ones and a repunzel tomato.

Sue's cherry tomatoes are now in and beginning to make their presence known

Sue’s cherry tomatoes are now in and beginning to make their presence known

Bush beans, also called snap beans because they “snap” when ripe, are by far the most popular homegrown beans.

They’re easy to plant, they don’t need any time consuming staking, trellising, or poling because they grow on compact, sturdy plants, they grow well even in poor soil, and have ready-to-eat pods in only seven or eight weeks.

They used to be called “string” beans because of the fibrous string that ran the length of the pods, but now with improved varieties, they are really “stringless ” beans!

The reason most gardeners prefer growing bush beans to pole beans is because although they take up more space, they require less work planting, staking, weeding and watering, and bush beans produce most of their crop all at once.

This makes harvesting very fast and convenient because by getting all your beans at once it’s helpful for freezing or canning. Also, by staggering planting times by a few weeks you can have continuous bean production all summer long.

So, because green beans are the fourth most popular summer vegetable grown by home gardeners (tomatoes, cucumbers and sweet peppers beating them out).

Bush beans are beginning to grow

Bush beans are beginning to grow

We cleaned up and got ready for Greg to join us for dinner.

Greg attacks the goodies

Greg attacks the goodies

Two different types of corned beef... Yummy!

Two different types of corned beef… Yummy!

Potsatoes from the store and from our garden

Potsatoes from the store and from our garden

Dinner time

Dinner time

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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