We stayed around the house for a while today before doing some chores and having some fun! The workers finished off the redesign of the garden today!
We first went to The Olive Garden and had lunch with Connor, our nineteen year old Grandson. It was a fun time and we will do it again!
From there we went in search of a Chinese Restaurant where we can celebrate Christmas Day with the Christmas Story and we found the Panda Inn local to us! We met with the General Manager and the Maitre’de and arranged for our first of many annual visits. Yes, we watch the movie “Christmas Story” at the local Chinese restaurant with other “empty nesters”… People who’s kids are doing their own thing with their families!
From there we went to the Apple Store and got Sue’s new iPhone 6 regular (Paul’s is still on order).
From there we decided to have a drink at Spagatini’s near our home. We downed a wine and a martini before going home and doing the treadmill. Great day all in all!