Category Archives: Gardening

Vegetable gardening is our hobby and besides, it makes for great food

We Are Almost Recovered!

First things first!  We had our coffee, dressed in our gym costumes, and headed for the Wednesday workout.  Today was our second day at the gym, and we are starting to move again! After the gym, we did our errands, … Continue reading

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Getting The Garden In Shape

We looked at the yard, and OMG, it needed some serious help!  It was in bad shape. I, on the other hand, am in good shape; round is a shape, right? We did some trimming and picking, but we are … Continue reading

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T-2 Building to A Crash-Endo!

Giggle Time: We are back to normal.” Get up, get ready, and go to a doctor—any doctor! This morning, we are going for my echocardiogram. Did You Know? An echocardiogram, also known as a diagnostic cardiac ultrasound, is performed by … Continue reading

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Feelin’ A Little Better!

Dr. Mary has been working miracles, and I am feeling a little better today. We were up early, and I received my daily dose of the magic pill she had made yesterday. Although I tasted a new flavor, perhaps it … Continue reading

Posted in Elks, Family, Friends, Gardening, Vegetable Garden, Working Around House | Comments Off on Feelin’ A Little Better!

Hello Week! We Are Ready!

It’s Monday, so you will hear one of my favorite tunes when I was growing up. We were up at 5:30 am this fine morning as we needed to be at the surgeon’s office at 8:00 am to get a … Continue reading

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Green Weekend Ahead!

Click the arrow to listen to Danny Boy. We were up and ready for the torture session at the gym.  We arrived at 8:30 sharp to begin our bicycle ride.  At 10:00 am, we exited the front door in severe … Continue reading

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A Mid-Week Crrisis?

Who, me getting grumpy?  In a single word, yes!  When I get up in the morning, that is the best I will feel all day! Today, we had a free morning and afternoon, and we knew that our cleaning staff … Continue reading

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We were up at dawn and needed to be in Huntington Beach to see Dr. Anne by 8:30 am sharp.  One of my implants came “loose,” and after a lot of research dating back twenty years, Dr. Anne ordered the … Continue reading

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Monday And Time For Torture!

It is Monday, so you will hear another of my all-time favorite pieces of music! “Lollipop” is a pop song written by Julius Dixson and Beverly Ross in 1958.  It was first recorded by the duo Ronald & Ruby, with … Continue reading

Posted in Gardening, Gym, Just Us, Movies, Vegetable Garden | Comments Off on Monday And Time For Torture!

Friday Has Arrived; Time To Work!

It is Friday Friday has arrived, and that means torture time!  Someone once said, “The real workout starts when you want to stop.” I want to stop before I start. We went ahead anyway.  We both rode the in-place bikes for … Continue reading

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