Monthly Archives: March 2024

Monday And Time For Torture!

It is Monday, so you will hear another of my all-time favorite pieces of music! “Lollipop” is a pop song written by Julius Dixson and Beverly Ross in 1958.  It was first recorded by the duo Ronald & Ruby, with … Continue reading

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Sunday, Time For Fun!

The time was ???  Half of our clocks were connected to the internet, while the other half were not. This caused me to be unsure whether it was 6:00 am or 7:00 am. Feeling confused, I checked the time on … Continue reading

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Do Nothing Day!

We were moving slowly this morning after gardening all day yesterday, so we decided to take it easy. We then thought about what we could do to feel better and came up with a great idea! We worked in the … Continue reading

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Friday Has Arrived; Time To Work!

It is Friday Friday has arrived, and that means torture time!  Someone once said, “The real workout starts when you want to stop.” I want to stop before I start. We went ahead anyway.  We both rode the in-place bikes for … Continue reading

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Off To The Elks!

We were up reasonably early and worked in the office, getting the last of our tax materials for next week.  Wewill see the man and get the bad news. A day without coffee is like… Just kidding. I have no … Continue reading

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From Blue To Grey In Just Hours!

It is bend and twist day, yes, gym day.  We prepared and headed the one-mile distance between peace and quiet and loud screaming and moaning.  We survived the onslaught one more time.  We have learned to park near the front … Continue reading

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45,000 Miles; Service Time!

We are going to separate! Yes! I am going to the Lexus dealer at 9:00 a.m. to get the Silver Fox serviced for his 45,000 checkup, and Mary is going to Huntington Beach at 10:30 a.m. to get a new … Continue reading

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Monday And Time To Plant!

Now, this hardly makes sense, but this tune was banned!  The spiciest thing about “Mambo Italiano” is the mention of “enchilada,” yet WABC in New York banned the song in 1954 for its supposedly suggestive lyrics. As usual, we were … Continue reading

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It Is Christmas Morning Sunday! What?

We were up and running early and having a great cup of coffee by 7:00 am.  A quick trip to the backyard rain gauge revealed we got about an inch of water in the past several days, even though it … Continue reading

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Out And About With Friends!

We worked in the office this morning.  Mary made phone calls, and I love it when she spells words phonetically.  For example, she said “COTE” and spelled it our for the poor person on the other end of the line: … Continue reading

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