Monthly Archives: December 2023

To Day, The Inn!

Join Us For The Day On Our Website The rain had stopped for a while, so we went to the garden to check on everything.  The first stop is the rain gauge.  We expected more than half an inch, but … Continue reading

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Christmas Is Coming In Just A Few Days!

The day started at 6:30 am, even before the sun was up.  We got up and went to the kitchen to kickstart our day with coffee.  Suddenly, we heard Scout coughing, and he couldn’t stop.  We were worried, so we … Continue reading

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Hang On! The Grinch Might Steal Our Christmas!

It was a typical day in Whoville; we were aroused at 6:00 am by Scout, The Wonder Dog, asking Alexa, “What  is the weather going to be like today?”  He wanted to go outside to tinkle without rain.  When Alexa … Continue reading

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Monday And Christmas Is A Week Away!

We woke up at 7:00 am and got ready for the day.  Mary went to the gym to start her morning exercise routine while I dropped by TJ’s to get lunch for our visitors.  After completing my errands, I returned … Continue reading

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Christmas In Denmark!

Join Us On The Website We were invited to Charlotte’s home to celebrate this evening. These are traditional Danish apple slices called aebleskiver, which are ball-shaped bread dough with a texture similar to pancakes. Although their name is not very … Continue reading

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I Be Older Than Dirt!

On December 16th, 1944, at 4:03 pm, I was born.  Now, 79 years later, I look forward to reaching 100 with my beautiful bride. See All The Photos On Our Website We worked in the garden this morning.  Mary trimmed … Continue reading

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Party Hopping Again!

I got the spirit and decorated the tree! It’s five in the morning, and the roosters haven’t even started crowing yet, but Mary is already up!  I was up a few minutes earlier and got the bathroom warm courtesy of … Continue reading

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Off To The Races; We Are Party Hoppers Today!

We have to get Scout ready for Christmas and have a busy day ahead of us.  First, we plan to visit the doggy hairdresser so that Scout can look his best for the guests joining us during the holidays. After … Continue reading

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Wednesday And On The Run Again!

If your electric car runs out of power on the interstate, do you walk to a charging station to get a bucket of electricity? I woke up at 6 am, drank coffee, took a shower, and headed to the gym. … Continue reading

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Doctoring Day! It’s What Old Folks Do!

At 6:30 am, I woke up and noticed that my left eye was too perfect – I could see dust in the corners of the room! Mary and I have an appointment with the doctor in Los Alamitos today.  We … Continue reading

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