It was 14 years ago today since Sue had the major back surgery and we are up and around dancing and playing golf… Indeed a miracle! Just a quick reminder of the event gone by!
- November 3, 2003 – Entered hospital for 7 hour surgery called Anterior fusion.
- November 4, 2003 – ICU with a lot of pain…. no big surprises!
- November 5, 2003 – Remains in ICU, coherent but sleepy
- November 6, 2003 – Moved from ICU to Room 127A
- November 7-9, 2003 – Recovery, clear fluids only! Gets up every day for a short assisted walk!
- November 10, 2003, Posterior fusion accomplished during an 11 hour operation!
- November 11, 2003 – ICU all day, awake and alert. Sits on side of bed for 45 minutes
- November 12, 2003 – Walks in ICU in the morning and moves to regular room in the afternoon. Walks a couple of hundred feet.
- November 13, 2003 – Most of intravenous tubes removed. Needs several more days in the hospital to assure all is OK!
- Home of the 17th and under the care of Paul.
It is now winter! The temperature is in the 70’s and no more heat wave. Time to go to H&H Nursery and select some things to grow! We went to the nursery and got several winter veggies to plant now that the fear of their getting burnt-up has passed!.
Paul moved ten 80 pound bags of soil additive from the car to the backyard using the two-wheeled hand cart! He spread out the compost/additive and dug it in before going inside to rest.
We got ready and headed to the Garden Grove Elks to listen and dance to Justus! We asked them to join us at the Christmas Play this year… Hope they can come!
We had a great time with the Branders, the Roberts, the Kuhn’s and the “Andersen’s”! The music was smooth, the volume level was excellent, a great evening!
We returned home about 10:00 PM, watched some TV and crashed! We saw an episode of “Blue Bloods” and then some “Friends”. Great way to go to bed… Laughing!