Category Archives: Fun

Duh! Why do anything that is not fun??

Day 12 – Grand Turk Island!

We were staring out the window, and to our surprise, the world outside was still zipping by!  We won’t grace our destination with our presence until 1:00 pm today.  Our grand adventure takes us to Grand Turk.  How grand is … Continue reading

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Day 9 – The Princess Cay Stay All Day They Say

Today’s destination is a top-secret, exclusive Princess beach area, and we decided to be rebels and stay on board to enjoy the peace and quiet while everyone else fights for beach space. Our suite was on the 14th floor! No … Continue reading

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Day 8 – Ft Lauderdale; Coming And Going

We arrived at the port at dawn and docked so smoothly that it felt like we were still at sea. When there was a knock on the door, I opened the curtains and was surprised to see that we had … Continue reading

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Acclimating To Tropical Weather In Florida And Meeting With The “Kids”

We stumbled into the hotel at an ungodly hour, dragged ourselves to our room, and promptly realized the only thing that could revive us from our zombie-like state was breakfast. Brains… I mean, pancakes, please!.  We went to the hotel … Continue reading

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It Was Saturday Yesterday So Today Must Be Sunday!

The sun rose, and so did we. We stumbled into the kitchen for our coffee and convinced ourselves that a five-hour workout was a good idea. The poor little cart named after  Mary got more exercise today than we did, … Continue reading

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We Face Another Crazy Day, Together!

We talked to our social director, Miss Vicky, and set up our schedule for Cerritos!  We are going with her and Jim to five shows between December and February!  The shows are always excellent! Today we started with collecting goodies … Continue reading

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Day 10 – Exploring And The BBQ

Our Irish Holiday: Day 1 – Day 2 – Day 3 – Day 4 – Day 5 – Day 6 Day 7 – Day 8 – Day 9 – Day 10 – Day 11 – Day 12  Later in the … Continue reading

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It’s A Dance Day!

Today, we packed Ireland. I have all the cleaning done and am trying to figure out how to pack it with minimal wrinkling (the Manor House has in-house dry cleaning, just in case). Mary’s clothes come out fine, but mine, … Continue reading

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Happy Mother’s Day!

We are having family and friends over to celebrate at 11:00 am, so we needed to be up and get things ready!  We called Colleen to thank her for Mary’s Mother’s Day gift; Mary loves frogs! By 10:00 am, we … Continue reading

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Celebration Time!

It is Friday morning, and we have a pretty full day, starting with Joe coming over with Bob to repair our solar system, which caused leaks in the roof last winter.  Then, at 8:30 am, we had to head for … Continue reading

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