Category Archives: Vegetable Garden

T – Minus Five!

This morning was supposed to be all about packing for our upcoming trip, but we got so engrossed in tending to the garden that we lost track of time! The garden had its own plans for us. We’re juggling preparing … Continue reading

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It Is Saturday, All Day!!

We had a laid-back day!  We got up and walked in the garden before cleaning up and departing for the Tustin B of  A, Orange County Nursery, doubling back to CVS for a few goodies. So get this: I waltz … Continue reading

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It’s The Tooth Of July!

Today’s weather is as indecisive as a teenager in heat! It’s supposed to be in the mid-80s, so I’ll be sporting my ‘Gardening Costume,’ complete with a sunhat and flip-flops. Let’s hope I don’t scare the neighbors! I put on … Continue reading

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We Are Ready To Work!

I sprung into action before Mary and dashed out to the backyard to take care of some dead-leaf trimming like the responsible gardener that I am. Mary, my savior, brought me some much-needed coffee, and then we cozied up on … Continue reading

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Friday And We Returned Home!

We were up at the crack of dawn, 5:45 am when Gunnar, the four-year-old human rooster,  decided to have a solo morning concert. Gunnar, the morning’s reality TV star, sounded like a rooster, and I intercepted him on his way … Continue reading

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One Last Day In The Garden!

It’s not quite 1950s music, but it certainly captures the essence of the last few days. We’ve spent 6-8 hours a day tending to our various gardens, and one entire day was dedicated solely to the front yard. I always … Continue reading

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Friday Has Arrived And We Are Ready!

I had difficulty sleeping last night because I was going for a blood test at 10:00 am, so I decided to study to ensure I passed.   Mary got me up early, had me shower, and changed my underwear; she said, … Continue reading

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The Recovery Process Begins!

We woke up bright and early, driven by an unknown force, almost on autopilot. After sharing a cup of coffee with Robin, she headed out around 9:00 AM. While Mary stayed inside to do the laundry, I decided to spend … Continue reading

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June Gloom Never Went Away Today!

We got up early to clean the house before the house cleaners came!  Go figure. We strolled the garden quickly to check on the wraskilly wabbit activity.   We had our morning coffee by the firepit. The June Gloom was going … Continue reading

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Something Is Wrong; We Have Zero On The Calendar!

I was up at 6:30 am, which was expected, but someone else did not rise until almost 9:00 am.  She got hooked on a movie and didn’t come to bed until midnight. Scientists have finally discovered exactly how much sleep … Continue reading

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