Category Archives: Cooking

Day 11 – We Walked In San Juan (All Day)

At the crack of dawn, precisely 6:30, my eyes creaked open. I stealthily tip-toed out of bed, leaving Her Majesty, the queen of snoring, peacefully serenading the neighborhood with her comical symphony of sounds. I sorted out the last of … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures, Cooking, Family, Food and Wine, Memories, Travel | 1 Comment

Friday And We Returned Home!

We were up at the crack of dawn, 5:45 am when Gunnar, the four-year-old human rooster,  decided to have a solo morning concert. Gunnar, the morning’s reality TV star, sounded like a rooster, and I intercepted him on his way … Continue reading

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The Recovery Process Begins!

We woke up bright and early, driven by an unknown force, almost on autopilot. After sharing a cup of coffee with Robin, she headed out around 9:00 AM. While Mary stayed inside to do the laundry, I decided to spend … Continue reading

Posted in Cooking, Just Us, Vegetable Garden, Working Around House | Comments Off on The Recovery Process Begins!

Go Away Monday!

One Summer Night was a wonderful tune.  I remember it well! We were up early again because we had to go to the gym at 8:30 am and get stretched until it hurt!  After three weeks of vacation, I am … Continue reading

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Getting The Garden In Shape

We looked at the yard, and OMG, it needed some serious help!  It was in bad shape. I, on the other hand, am in good shape; round is a shape, right? We did some trimming and picking, but we are … Continue reading

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I Am Having A Mid-Week Crisis!

They say rain is on the way, but the low was 50 degrees this morning, Wednesday, so I expected some clouds.  Nope!  Just a slight overcast. We jumped in the shower and got on our exercise uniforms as we went … Continue reading

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Off And Running Again!

Do I remember the clotheslines?  Indeed I do?  If they were twirlers like above, we rode them all afternoon.  If they were T-shaped with taunt lines between them, they were perfect for tents.  We lived outside, getting dirty and occasionally … Continue reading

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A Day OF Rest!

Today, we didn’t accomplish much.  We walked around the garden, removed the tarp from our Christmas storage containers, and cleaned our garden workbench. I brushed a heavy varnish onto the workbench to protect it from the elements. Tung oil is … Continue reading

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We Can’t Go Any Faster!!

We woke at 6:00 am and started working in the garden by 7:00 am.  We planted sweet peas, trimmed the grape vines, and finished mulching the planted areas.  I finally fixed the faucet in the backyard after it had been … Continue reading

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A Slooooow Day Indeed!

While watching war movies like “In Harm’s Way” and “Good Morning, Vietnam”, Mary cooked a delicious slow-cooker chicken recipe at home. Tomorrow we may cook this recipe: Yesterday, we spent a relaxing day watching two Christmas movies from Hallmark. We … Continue reading

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