Category Archives: Uncategorized

Day 14 – Ft. Lauderdale, Here We Come!

We woke up early and eagerly sipped our coffee. Mary switched on Fox News to catch up on the latest events while I wrapped up yesterday’s Daily Diary, which allows me to relive the day! While watching the daily cruise … Continue reading

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Day 4 – Belieze And The Coral Reefs

We read our schedule and had to be up at 7:00 am for a 9:00 pm departure for the great Belize Living Reef, the second largest in the world.  But first, we had a small breakfast delivered to our room.  … Continue reading

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Day 3 – Cozumel Mexico!

Today is the big day for our first adventure in a far-off land, and we are psyched! We sprang out of bed at the crack of dawn, suited up in our exploration gear, and dashed out the door to grab … Continue reading

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Day Zero (Traveling), We Is Off For The Caribbean!

During our morning stroll through the garden, we greeted every plant and critter like they were old friends.  It’s like our little version of “The Garden of Goodbyes and Hellos.” We visited our flowers since they get little attention during … Continue reading

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Happy Easter

This morning, I am ashamed of my country’s “leadership” and hope that Biteme and the people behind the curtain meet with a severe punishment for their attempt to ruin this country! Today is the anniversary of the opening of the … Continue reading

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Off To Girls Night Out!

The bronchitis was taking its toll, so we went out for lunch and returned home, where Dr. Mary doctored me.   I felt “pooped out” all day and did not do very much, not even taking a snapshot! I sat in … Continue reading

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45,000 Miles; Service Time!

We are going to separate! Yes! I am going to the Lexus dealer at 9:00 a.m. to get the Silver Fox serviced for his 45,000 checkup, and Mary is going to Huntington Beach at 10:30 a.m. to get a new … Continue reading

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The End Of An Era

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Movie Night With Family!

I got up at 6:00 am and woke Mary up saying, “It’s time for the Sunday Car Show!!  Hurry, get ready!”  Soon thereafter, receiving a bop on the head, I realized it was Saturday… I was a day early.  I … Continue reading

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Pre-Flood Preps Are Underway!

The weather forecast is for plenty of rain, so we worked around the house.  We drained about three inches out of the pool, brought in the trashcans and put them under the roof, moved the open fertilizer bags to a … Continue reading

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