The Wind Cameth And The Wind Taketh Away!

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Oh my! We are at the blue dot, right in the middle of the storm!!

We heard about the wind, and let me tell you, at 7:00 am, it wasn’t just whooshing – it was howling like a toddler who lost their favorite toy!  I guess it’s not just the leaves getting blown around; it looks like the whole neighborhood had a hairdryer malfunction.

When I went to the garage, it was a fantastic sight—I could see the top of the workbench, all the drawers were rolled in, and we could walk around without tripping over anything! I spent two hours yesterday straightening things up!

We left our home at 8:15 am to sign up for Mary’s next watercolor class at the Tustin Senior Citizens Center.

While she was inside, I thought about how much computers have come along.  The picture below is an IBM FIVE MEGABYTE  hard drive for an IBM computer.

Five Megabytes in 1957? Oh My!

I have three 20 TERABYTE hard drives on my desktop!  They are connected to our iMAC,  giving us 12,000,000 times the storage, 1998 pounds lighter, and 10,000,000 times faster than the IBM drive of 1959.  Sixty years has made a tremendous difference!

We signed Mary up for another watercolor session and then headed home to prepare for a visit to Dr. Kim.

We were so happy because when we got home, there was not a single elephant in the backyard, so Scout was doing his job… he’s a good boy!  He was pooped out, so we let him rest!

Our supervisor is in action!

Mary has signed up, so it is time to visit a doctor.

Dr. Kim looked at the charts and pronounced me healthy (albeit slightly ugly).  There was no sign of any cancer, so the procedure worked!!  I will see him again in six months and then once a year thereafter.

Mary and I await the doctor!

Through the doctor’s office windows, we could see that the wind was beginning to pick up, the trees were leaning to the south, and dust was in the air.

A view four floors up over Orange, CA

Dr. Kim, my urologist, is a great guy!

Dr. Kim is a very personable fellow and knows his stuff.

Scout heeded his afternoon scratchies!

When we got to the car, the flag was flying, and the dust was everywhere.  On the bright side, all our leaves in the front yard will be down the street when we get home.  On the negative side, all our neighbor’s leaves will be in our front yard; you can’t win with the wind!

The flags are flying!  It was blowing so hard that she tied down her hair!

When we got home at about 12:30 p.m., we could hear the flags battering, flapping, fluttering, and pommeling in the breeze! Yes, the flag pole was bending under the pressure of the wind, but so far, it had stayed upright!


We worked around the house, but the third member of our family, Scout-a-puss, decided to sleep!  After All, he said, “No elephants means I worked hard!!”

I finally went through my clothes as I determined I did not need, at 80 years old, 16 pairs of jeans and 40 dress shirts (many of which have collars of 17 1/2 inches).  So, with great aplomb, I tossed two dress shirts, pants, and black T-shirts into the garage for delivery to people in need!  Oh my, there is a closet in there.  Did I mention I got rid of ten pairs of shoes?  We finally figured out what the term “minimalist” means! It’s like cleaning your house and realizing you only need one spoon, sock, and a single potato for the rest of your life. Who knew that living with just enough to survive could feel like a competitive sport?

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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