Old Ranch is doing a “major aerification” so we have a day off and where better to go than a country fair. Every summer, thousands of people participate in the 2009 San Diego County Fair as vendors, performers, competitive exhibitors, sponsors, employees, and of course, as visitors. In other words, a whole lot of people get involved in the daily production of the San Diego County Fair. Vicky, Del, Sue and Paul drove down to the fair for the day! Join us for the day at San Diego.
Some people still refer to this annual summer event as the Del Mar Fair. A few years back, the Del Mar Fair was renamed the San Diego County Fair in order to capture all of San Diego County, and not just the lovely coastal City of Del Mar.
This year’s fair celebrates “”Music Mania” and will include music from a wide variety of sources including marching bands to garage bands. In fact, the fair will feature nearly 24,000 performers and entertainers, from nationally known bands to children’s dance troupes. Musicians of all genres and ages will be showcased and appreciated by thousands of people.