Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Goodbye, 2024. Go away and stay away!

We found a great way to start the year: a trip to the Segerstrom Performing Arts Center to see Back To The Future.

We had brunch at the Silver Trumpet across the street from the theater.   Robin, Bob, Bill Capps, Mary, and I enjoyed a leisurely brunch with bottles of champagne and lively conversation!

We landed at 11:30 am, tight on time!

Robin and Bob decided to hitch a ride with me this morning, and guess who got to play chauffeur? That’s right, I was the designated driver! I mean, if I had known I was getting into a comedy show on wheels, I would have charged them admission! I think my driving skills were impressive—especially when I navigated with one hand while holding a coffee cup in the other, pretending I was on a cooking show with all the dramatic flair.

“And now, my friends, let’s spice it up with a little lane change! Who knew driving with passengers could be such a thrill? Buckle up, folks; it’s going to be a bumpy ride full of dad jokes and pit stops for snacks!”

Robin and Bob looked great after last night’s party and regaining their composure after this mornings terrifying ride.

There were  many dining options but in keeping with my desire to get back to 190 pounds, I chose the salmon bowl.  When it was served, it looked like a minnow but that what happens when one is on a diet!

Bill had not been to the performing arts center before.

Bill and Mary were ready to see the show.  Bill is always charming and awaiting for whatever outbursts come from yours truly.

When Marty McFly is transported back to 1955 in a time machine built by the eccentric scientist Doc Brown, he accidentally changes the course of history. Now, he’s in a race against time to fix the present, escape the past, and send himself… back to the future. When Back to the Future hits 88mph, it will forever change musical theatre history.

Hop in; it is going to be quite a ride!!

To say the show was high-energy would be an understatement.   With singing, dancing, and terrific music, it kept us on the edge of our seats all afternoon—the production lasted two hours!

In the final scene, the car is lifted into the air and comes out toward the audience before zooming off at 88 mph to return to 1984.

The cast kept busy changing costumes from the 1950s to the 1980s to 2000 and beyond!

After the show, we stopped at the Silver Trumpet again and had a drink before going home.

It was beginning to get foggy, so we departed around 6:30 pm for the short ride home.

Upon entering the house, Mr. Bark, known as Scout, came to see what the fuss was about.   He was happy to see us and required roughly ten minutes of scratching.

We got a glass of wine and headed across the street to visit Jeff, our neighbor, and we stayed with him for 45 minutes discussing the day’s events!

“OK, youse guys; you must stay with me for a while!!!”

We successfully celebrated the first of January!  We shall crash and begin the process of putting up Christmas tomorrow.  First, we will go to the hospital at noon so I can have the bronchial scope procedure done and find out why the cough!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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