Sunday Has Arrived And We Are Busy As Ever!

Thanksgiving is just thirteen days away!

Mary got a bug in her bonnet and decided to straighten up her closet.  It was probably a good idea because we heard a rumble from the back, and twenty miners came scampering out of the closet, yelling for “Big John.”

Wearing the pedometer was a good idea.  By 10:00 a.m., I had already walked 6.5 miles between my wife’s closet and various other rooms in the house.  We’re rearranging everything!

Mary was getting frustrated trying to find clothes in the closet.  I think she was having  hanger management issues.

Fibber’s opening the closet and everything falling out was a long-running joke on the radio program.  (It was no joke around here!)

I heard a loud crash and immediately rushed into the bedroom and Mary’s walk-in closet.  To my surprise, I found a pile of purses that had fallen from the top shelf, burying Mary up to her neck in leather purses.   Worried,   I applied mouth-to-mouth resuscitation immediately.  After digging for an hour, I freed her up so she could continue her search.

I set up a business many years ago selling the contents of closets for clients, but it didn’t work. Turns out I had no sense of shelf worth.

At 1:30 p.m., while Mary worked hard, I made roasted apples.  I cored the apples and then dropped butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon in the core; bake until soft!

Since we had extra apples, I also prepared southern fried apples which are apples peeled, sliced into 8ths, and then sauteed in butter and brown sugar!

Baked apples are delicious!

She was still working, so I brought lunch to her closet on a TV tray with half a glass of wine.  Her wardrobe is spacious enough to accommodate chairs and a tray.

She was a little upset because I did not have a white napkin folder and around by forearm.  Hey, I forgot!

Lunch is served!

I picked up her dishes after a while and stood patiently awaiting the tip.  I got the distinct impression that I had better return to the kitchen, or I might be standing there all day!

When we’re working around the house, Scout finds a spot where he can observe everything and listens attentively.  He also manages to get in our way from whatever direction we are coming.

What do you get when you cross a dog and a calculator?  A friend you can count on.

Scout has a perfect location to see everything going on.

Mary now has a new location for her uniform for any upcoming military events.  The Captain is in the building!

It was ready for Veterans Day.

She continued working in the closet until about 3:30 p.m. We showered and got ready to go to Campus Jax at 4:30 p.m.  Campus Jax is on Campus Drive, right across from the end of the John Wayne airport.

The attire is informal, and the food has a distinct Cajun-inspired fare and interesting cocktails.

The parking is excellent, and the food is always first-class.

A little Cajun humor from Marie and Boudreaux:

Boudreaux was dying:

Boudreaux was on his last dying breath. He was upstairs in the water bed and was about to slip out of this world, when he smelled it. The most wonderful smell. Brownies, baking in the oven downstairs.

He struggled out of the water bed. He could not stand up, so he crawled over the stairway and rolled down the stairs. He crawled into the kitchen and pulled himself up to the counter where the brownies were cooling on the rack. He took one and put it to his mouth. Awe that wonderful smell, that wonderful taste.

Marie walked up behind him and said, ” Shame on you Boudreaux. Those brownies are for after the funeral.”

Vicky, Ron, Yollie, and Irene were already there.  Betty and Ed showed up within a few minutes.  Vicky’s dentist and his wife.  I used to dance with his parents at the Topper’s Dance Club many moons ago.

Campus Jax is an excellent venue.

Tonight’s theme was French, with hit songs sung in French, Jewish, and Arabic.  The group was called Paris Chansons, with a celebration of French music with a global twist! We even danced to the catchy tunes!  The show was excellent!

Wonderful sounds this evening.

Mary did the salad, and I went for the burger as my weight is now below 195!  The burger was excellent!  We also had a steamed artichoke, and it was superb.

We enjoyed the performance.  J’aime ma femme de tout mon cœur !

We had VIP seating with attentive waitstaff and a hands-on owner who was making sure everything was going well.

We were in the VIP section.

After a long day, we made a quick stop at Aces for a glass of wine. While there, we unexpectedly ran into a probation officer who happened to be from our local area. Once we finished our drinks, we headed back home and went straight to bed since we have to wake up early tomorrow.

Vicky has reserved the table for Saturday, Nov 25 (Thanksgiving weekend ) for The Feeling Good Michael Bublé tribute at Campus Jax. The show is at 8 PM and the doors open at 6:30. The featured singer will have 11 piece orchestra.

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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