Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

I Am A Bachelor Most Of The Day!

Mary and I worked in the office for a while before she jumped in the shower for her trip to Pasadena for a six-hour CME (Continuing Medical Education) activity.   We decided I should stay home and try to work off Mary’s To-Do list.

Mary was off at 9:45 am as it is a 60-minute drive to Pasadena from here.  Mary and Precious made a good team once we got the GPS working!

The temperature outside was 50 degrees at 9:00 am, colder than a well diggers butt!   I voted and decided indoor chores were the first to be done!  Duh!

I stuck my head out the door, looked at the temperature gauge, and it was 46 degrees!

A list was needed so I would know when I was done!

While not wearing the iPhone all day (it needed charging), I put in over 7,000 steps without leaving the property.

Housework is a treadmill from futility to oblivion with stop-offs at tedium and counter-productivity.

Housework can’t kill you, but why take a chance?

So what did I do?

  • Cleaned out the exercise room.
  • Ran power cords to the exercise machine under non-trip runners.
  • Moved Mary’s new luggage upstairs.
  • Made the bed.
  • Tied the Nightblooming Jasmine to the wall with a lag-bolt and heavy wire.
  • Helped our neighbor use our sump pump to remove 4″ of water from his pool.
  • Stacked four cases of water in the garage.
  • Moved a roll-around self to the front of The Silver Fox *(more room to get in/out).
  • Called our handyman to come over Sunday and replace the front lights with LEDICs.
  • Planted a new tomato plant (I could not resist it).
  • Went to Home Depot for supplies (steer + mulch).
  • Bought three more grape vines for the south forty.
  • Re-stored many items in the garage cabinets.

I was busy all day.  Mary called around the time she was to leave for home and announced the meeting was going to run an hour late; plus, she decided to stop by Irmi’s home on the way home!  It was then I decided to visit my girlfriend and knock down a couple of beers.

Meanwhile, Mary sent some pictures.

She arrived just in time!

Time to meet up with old friends!  Alfredo A. Sadun, MD, Ph.D. holds the Flora L. Thornton Endowed Chair at Doheny Eye Centers-UCLA and is Vice-Chair of Ophthalmology at UCLA. Dr. Sadun graduated from MIT (1972), completed his Ph.D. and M.D., and then a residency in Ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School, followed by a fellowship in Neuro-Ophthalmology. He joined the full-time faculty at Harvard Department of Ophthalmology in 1983. He helped lead Doheny in its transition to UCLA in 2014.

She knew many folks, including Alfredo A. Sadun, MD, PhD

Just after check-in, they had lunch in preparation for a long afternoon!

Check-in was a bit disorganized as they started late.

Another old friend, Dr. Narsing Rao, was there.  Narsing A. Rao, MD, was named Interim Dean of the Keck School, effective Sept. 16, 2020. He also is the Grace and Emery Beardsley Professor of Ophthalmology. Before accepting the position of Interim Dean, Dr. Rao was Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology and Co-Director of the USC Roski Eye Institute.

Dr. Rao has established himself as a researcher, clinician, and educator who has gained international recognition as a leading expert in inflammatory and malignant disorders of the eye. He has made numerous important scientific contributions to the field and has published more than 500 peer-reviewed publications, 49 book chapters, and seven books. His work has attracted highly competitive funding from the National Eye Institute of the NIH for more than 25 years.

An old friend was there, Dr. Marsing Rao.

The day was magnificent, and the institute was right in the Pasadena foothills.

The day was beautiful.

I showered and got in my new corduroy britches, and took Jan dinner.  Jan and I jabbered for a good hour before Mary texted she was coming home.  The visit reminded me of all the times I visited Rita, Sue’s mother, in the evenings when Sue worked late.

Mary arrived home at about 8:30 pm, and I had dinner almost ready.   We had dinner by candlelight, and Mary shared her day (and talked to Irmi’s best friend) for another hour.  It sounds like we could lose Irmi any time, but making it to the mid-90s is no simple feat!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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