Friday Is Upon Us!

Fun Fact: The feeling of getting lost inside a mall is known as the Gruen transfer – We’ve all heard how casinos are designed to deliberately disorient visitors, causing them to lose track of time and where exactly they are.  But did you know that there’s a similar strategy behind the design of shopping malls as well?  Officially known as the “Gruen transfer,” this phenomenon was named after Austrian architect Victor Gruen, who identified how an intentionally confusing layout could lead to consumers spending more time and money in a shopping venue (though he would later disavow the approach).

I always hold Mary’s hand when we go shopping because I get lost!

We were up at 5:30 AM, but why?  We had no idea except the day was beginning, the sun was rising, and the need for coffee was overwhelming.  The other reason, you ask?  I got to wake up Scout, The Wonder Dog, from a sound sleep!  I “pawed” him and whistled.  He opened one eye, snarled, and went back to sleep.  I woke him up once more, and this time he moved, albeit like an intoxicated quadruped.

Scout will get even!

He followed me to the door, but he made me go out first.  I made coffee for Mary, and we headed to the office for a while.  It was Friday, so I quickly checked to see if the trash truck had gone by; it had not, so I quickly chopped up three more Amazon boxes and stuffed them into the trash cans.

So true!

Our gardener came, and he and I determined that two of the valves’ solenoids were no good, so I ordered them from Amazon.  Tomorrow I will be replacing the units, and hopefully, everything will be back to work, just in time for the heat spell to be over.

Mary started a new puzzle, so she was busy, and The Wonder Dog, Scout, supervised Carlos.  I wandered into the front yard and spotted our first Tulip.  That sucked dang near popped out of the ground.  One day it was a green leaf and the next day a complete flower.

We got our first Tulip today!

The daffy-dills seem to point to the sun with their little yellow faces!

The Daffodils are going crazy.

Mary made a big pot of beans and put them in the crock-pot; they should be ready when we get home.

We got ready about 3:30 PM and headed to the Santa Ana Elks for the “A Night In Paris” Valentine’s Day dance.  The lodge dining area was beautifully decorated, and it seemed red was the color of the night!  Mary washed and ironed my red shirt as it matched her outfit perfectly.

On the way to the dance, I got to thinking! I asked Mary, “If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?”  Of course, Mary instantly responded with, “For me every morning it’s love at first sight. A mirror is a wonderful thing.”

See our website with ALL the details!

Just us!

Somehow the waiter knew what to do; each of us got a bottle of wine.  It took us about four hours to finish off one and a half bottles; the remains were donated to the table behind us.  We had to drive home.

How did this wine get here?

We needed our pictures to prove we were in Paris!

Did You Know?  Since Eiffel footed 80 percent of the tower’s construction costs, he was permitted to have the structure stand for 20 years in order to recoup his investment before it passed into the hands of the Parisian government, which planned to disassemble it for scrap metal.  Seeking a way to prove the structure’s strategic utility in a bid to save it, Eiffel erected an antenna atop the tower and financed experiments with wireless telegraphy that began in 1898.  The value of the tower in sending and receiving wireless messages, particularly for the French military, caused the city to renew Eiffel’s concession when it expired in 1909.  Today, more than 100 antennae on the tower beam radio and television broadcasts worldwide.

To Paris.

Bob and Donna are celebrating 43 years of marriage!  Do they look happy or what?

Bob and Donna celebrate 43 years of being married.

Our gang was well represented this evening.  Mike and Linda had a small problem.  Mike had a wardrobe malfunction; his belt broke, and they were going to leave.  Paul to the rescue!  We headed to the men’s room, where I donated my belt to Mike!

Mike and Linda kept everything interesting.

I gave Mike my belt, thinking my pants would stay up; no such luck.  When I walked to our table, people pointed and said things like, “Hey, look, there is droopy-drawers.”

Being quick-witted, I gathered three dinner napkins and tied them together.  Our waiter found some duck tape (I know, duct tape), and we made a make-shift belt.

In a matter of moments, I was a trendsetter!

We stopped and checked with the ER, Linda, and I was approved for dancing but only slow dances.

Mike did not know I was into fashion design!

Mary and Bill were at the next table, and he wanted me to make him a unique belt just like mine.

Nary and Bill had the next table over.

Beverly was overwhelmed at my design and offered to sell them on E-Bay.

Georg and Beverly.

Around 9:30 PM, we retired and headed home, but we made one more stop!  We dropped by Aces Bar and Grille and met some friendly folks while having a nightcap.  We danced a little bit and headed for home about 10:30 PM, only two miles away.

Scout met us at the door tapping his front foot as if to say, “Where in the blazes were you!  I said to be home at 10:00 PM sharp, or you two are grounded”.

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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