If you water it and it dies, it’s a plant; if you pull it out and it grows back, it’s a weed.
Every day seems to be busier than the previous; how can this be? First things first, Scout wanted out to do a walk-around-the-yard. He inspects for elephants, and amazingly enough, he had yet to find any at Chez Liles.
I had a doctor’s appointment at 10:30 AM with the dermatologist to make sure my face would not fall off after my bout with the chemo-cream. We then went down the street to the sewer district where I am a director, and I had to turn in a form to the county revealing my potential financial holdings, making sure I was not a crook!
Dumb olf me, I forgot my iPhone. We passed by Chez Liles and grabbed the iPhone, and then decided to go to the country club for lunch. Great idea as we had lunch on the patio, enjoyed some wine, and Dr. Mary proceeded to make sure I did not overindulge. My weight is still dropping; a good thing.
We thought it might be a good day to work in the garden. I told Mary, “I want to start gardening, but I haven’t botany plants.” I heard a slight “booooo” followed by a mild “hissss.” I, at that very moment, knew she had heard me!
After dining, we decided to get something to plant, and we certainly did! We walked around and got corn, white, onions, Zucchini, spaghetti squash, cucumbers, red onions, and even some peppers. We were loaded for bear; bring on the shovels!
While inside, paying the bill, mother nature opened the clouds and turned the parking lot into a raging torrent of water all the way up to our baby-toes! OK, it was a short downpour but just enough to worry us.
We headed home, and by the time we got there, the ground was dry. The cleaning folks were here, so we quickly changed into our “grubbies.” Yes, Mary into hers and me into mine!
She headed out to the garden first and looked back, and said to me, “I’ve started to plant the herbs in alphabetical order. People ask me how I find the time. I tell them, duh, silly, it’s next to the sage”. I knew the rest of the afternoon would be fun!!!
We talk as we work and we work together quite well! I told Mary that in the garden, “There was never a dill moment!” Of course, she replied, “That’s a bit mulch!” I replied, in my most clever manner, “You are absolutely radishing!” She did not hear me and replied, “I beg your garden?” The afternoon was very punny!
By the time we were done, it was cold and dark. I was shivering. Mary’s lips were blue but that may have been a slip of the makeup?
We went inside and had a glass of wine, called Colleen to check-in for the day. After about an hour of warming up, we had a small dinner thanks to Miss Robin and her Inidan cuisine!
During dinner, we discussed our gardening success and what we had learned from each other. Working with a good friend has many teachable moments. Mary learned to plant the tomatoes, roots end down (much to the chagrin of Joseph Liles). I learned the job is not done until the tools are put away, and the area swept. I also learned NOT to snap a photo when she is reaching into the bed attempting to plant a zucchini; after all, this is generally a “G-Rated” site plus I like life.
I did mention that I was offered a job as a gardener, but I didn’t take it because the celery was too low.
We switched on the garden light, hoping that the magic beans we bought at H&H would have sprouted and we could go climbing. No stairway to heaven, but at least our garden was still planted! It looked pretty good.
Below along the left-hand wall are several grapes; the tall peas are blocking the back-wall bed, which had six tomatoes in it. The other beds contain the remnants of the winter garden, which will be gone soon as we take our cabbage to Mary’s for dinner on the 17th!
After returning inside, we were presented with a “participation award” from Scout (with a small caveat, he wanted to know where the bone bush was planted??”
On a serious note, Mary is VERY helpful in the garden and does not mind getting dirty. At the end of the day, I was putting away tools, and she was busy sweeping up everything.
We watched TV for a while and then part of RED and crashed. We had a full day!
Glad to see you enjoying life.