The Week Is Half Gone!

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

“Grief can’t be shared. Everyone carries it alone; his own burden in his own way.” – Anne Morrow Lindbergh

We knew every restaurant from here to Timbuctu that had tasty vegetarian meals.  We often went to Fashion Island and dined at Cucina Enoteca.  They had several veggie specialties, and the wait staff would always look for something for their favorite vegetarian!  Sometimes we would spend two hours there going an hour before or after rush hour and just enjoy the atmosphere and their great wine selections.

I do miss our “quality time” where we would eat, talk, laugh, giggle, and share our thoughts.  Those periods were special, and sometimes we would just look at each other, knowing what each other was thinking, never having to say a word!

I love you, and always will!

Always a smile and a happy thought!

Well, Robin stayed overnight, and she beat me up this morning already having her coffee before I made it to the verticle position.  I joined her at the table and had my first cup, and she was ready to type. Type what you ask?

Well, my cousin Kathryn, who passed at the ripe old age of ninety-three about six years ago, was an inspiring writer.  Her parents never encouraged her, but I found several of her works when gong through her home.  I gave them to Robin, who was kind enough to read and transcribe them.  I plan to put the writings on its blog over the next few weeks.

We walked the garden to see the tomatoes and corn and Robin like the big sunflowers.  I decided to make sunflower seeds to eat. I plucked the seeds out using my thumbnail and they fell into the pot which will soon be filled with boiling water.

Robin admired my sunflowers, so it was time to teach how sunflower seeds are made!

I boil them for a good hour with plenty of salt.  Sunflower seeds are high in oil, so I do not eat very many, and I keep them in an airtight container before they go rancid.

Boil them puppies for an hour in plenty of saltwater.

We decided to go out and eat and then to Costco, but on the way out, we ran into the parade.  The neighboring streets were filled with cars, likely 200 plus.  Horn honking, signs, graduates waving to everybody, and the police and fire engines made a lot of noise!

We had a parade all over Rossmoor celebrating the graduates.

After going to Gourmet Pies and diving into a green chili omelet, we headed to Costo.  Robin got some paper goods while I looked at electronics, patio furniture, and some food items.

Our housekeepers were busy when we return, so we sat on the patio and talked.  I decided I was going to fix my darned shoelaces on my tennis shoes.  They were about a foot too long, so I sacked them and decided to use heat-shrink tubing to keep them from unraveling.   Do not laugh; it worked!!

Robin stayed for a while as we wanted to watch the launch, but alas, it was called off.  Robin departed after the scrub.

Then it was time to walk as I must get the HDL up and the weight down.  I chose North today as I wanted to drop a package of plant-snaps at Ila’s place.  What are plant-snaps, you ask?

I bought 200pcs of white plastic garden clips, 1-inch diameter in the middle. Made of premium plastic, weather-resistant, well against aging, high temperature, rot. Not easy to crack. They are hollow-carved design ensures air circulation, enhance plants growth.  They have a narrow gap for strings to pass through, the clips are made so they cannot move on their own.  They protect delicate flowers and vine plants against the hit from wind and rain. They straighten plants, prevent fruits from bending branches or vines, and enhance plant growth. They are perfect for lots of plants whose stems or vines are small enough, like tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, melons, beans, and other vine crops, flowers, like rose, orchid, etc.

I took about twenty over to Ila (my vegetable growing friend) for her to try in her garden!

On the way over, I passed by many houses with their American flags flying.  It was a beautiful sight!

I love our patriotic town.

This is one plant I refuse to get to close to as he tends to reach out and bite at a moment’s notice.

Sticky wicket, say what ol’ chap!

Speaking of a sticky wicket, the Finch’s called while we were driving to the breakfast destination, and we chatted for about fifteen minutes.  All is well in London, but it is closed down pretty tight. They are getting real tired of staying home.

Another hour and another point on the ol’ HDL

The social hour has arrived, and I am off to Rush Park to visit the Old Rancher’s.  We sat and drank wine/champagne and had dinner between 4:30 PM and almost 7:30 PM.  I sat with Charlotte (if we have anything, we both have it because we play golf together).  Three other couples where they and we just had a good old time!

After getting home, I called Colleen, got a call from Lisa, and them a call from Robin.  Time to rest!  I watched World War Z, a Robin recommendation.  Interesting premise and loads of action.

After the movie (which was complete with a cup of coffee and a cup of hot chocolate), I crashed, going out like a light!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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