Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

I should have worn my green fur today!!

We were up and going pretty early today as we have the gym class at 9:00 am, and we have to ride the stationary bikes from Orange to San Diego before they begin twisting and shouting at us!

We hit the floor running!

The gym was not too bad today except for me attempting to get down on the floor on the mat.  I look like a 150-year-old man and am ready for a nap once I get down!   It sounded like a bowl of Rice Krispies as I moved closer and closer to the mat!   We were poked and prodded by the best of their trainers, and we survived!

We went to Ralph’s Market next door to the gym and got some last-minute supplies for tonight’s soireé. We also got another four-pound flat-cut corned beef, as we are having four guests over for the celebration!

As soon as we got home, the cooking began! The kitchen turned into a scene straight out of a cooking show—if that show was called “Disaster Chefs.” Flour was flying, pots were boiling over, and I’m sure I almost set my hair on fire while trying to sauté the cabbage!

We whipped up eight pounds of corned beef—four pounds in the crockpot and four pounds boiled/simmered! The onions and some of the potatoes came from our garden. The crockpot is getting ready to be covered.

In six hours, magic will have occurred!!

We decided to use our new molcajete, a traditional Mexican mortar and pestle, to grind, mix, and release flavorful oils from vegetables and spices. This authentic grinding bowl is the best for making classic Mexican favorites like salsa, guacamole, queso, mole, and more!

We first made salsa, which was delicious—as evidenced by its disappearance—and then guacamole, which was also gone in a flash! It is a lot of work, but it is fun!

We baked the vegetables for 20 minutes at 350 degrees to soften them and bring out their flavors. After letting them cool, I sliced them and threw them into the mortar before applying 250 pounds of pressure.

When I hit the serrano pepper, I knew it as the fumes came out, and my eyes began watering.

They were not too hot today!

Can’t handle the heat? Stay out of the salsa.

The guacamole was made from local avocados, two doors down, and courtesy of Fred, our neighbor.

Vicky taught us how to say “molcajete.”

Mary checked the beef to make sure it was tender, and indeed, it was after six hours in the crockpot.

Crockpots are truly magical devices, and we use them all the time!

Lookout, here comes the gang!!!  We had food everywhere and still more on the stove.

Mexican appetizers and Irish dinners are indeed international affairs.

Dinner is served!  Vicky brought the Irish Soda Bread, which she had never heard of before.  She was going to get some tortillas and a can of Coca-Cola!  (…soda bread).   She went to Katella Deli to retrieve the bread, and it was delicious!

Irene, Robi, and Dianne: 3/5ths of my harem this evening.

Mary makes sure the ól man gets his Dijon mustard. We went through four pounds of corned beef and cabbage between the five of us!

My bride is a fantastic hostess who makes everyone feel at home!

Did I say dessert?  Dianne is responsible for my last three-pound weight gain!  The homemade chocolate cake, complete with chocolate bits and amazing frosting, begged to be devoured!  I also did some severe damage to the ice cream carton!

The word “Yummy” comes to mind!!

Dianne got a great picture of us.  We wanted Scout to take the picture, but he feared it might include him, and the camera would take his soul!  Besides, his fur would have covered the lens, so Dianne did the honors!

“OK, I will try to take your picture!!”

We sat and talked and told stories for hours!!!

Wonderful friends are joining us again at St. Patrick’s Day!!

We said goodbye to everyone. By 8:00 p.m., everyone’s stomachs were full, and the ladies sufficiently spoiled Scout!

Even Froggy was tired! The rain was gone, so everything was OK!

While we were dining, it rained hard, but by the time dinner was over, the sky was clear, and the water was gone. It will be safe to drive home.

We said goodbye to everyone, and let me tell you, it was like trying to leave a party where everyone is still dancing—hugs lasted longer than a Netflix binge! I’m pretty sure I invented a new sport: “Goodbye Tug-of-War.”

We got a nice note and some pictures from Vicky!

Thank you for inviting me and Irene last night. It was nice what I think is happening to your house is what happened to your house here on Kensington. It became the hub of life, and people felt so comfortable that it was like a second home because they felt so welcome. You’ve made your nest with your sweetheart, and you thoughtfully and graciously open it for others to enjoy, not only YOUR company but the company of other friends. Thank you.

I am blessed to have Dr. Mary in my life because she shares the love of family and friends and enjoys bringing people together.  We make a good team and share the workload making the visits with family and friends enjoyable!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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