Sunday And We Worked And Played!

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

We got up, dressed in our cleanest dirty work clothes, and hit the yard running, as we had oodles of veggies to plant today! Our neighbor was worried about his fruit trees not having oranges, so I texted him this photo of his hyperactive orange tree since he was out of town!

We will have oranges in a few months.

We can already smell the blossoms when there’s a gentle breeze—though I’m beginning to think the flowers have a more advanced olfactory system than I do. They keep throwing their scents around like they’re trying to impress a bee or something! If only I could catch a whiff of that same confidence at the perfume counter…

Mid-summer and the tree will be loaded!

We heard the loud flapping of wings as we worked, and the local Lemonbird called whenever she spotted a suitable nest.  She dropped in and left one of her eggs!  We shall use it carefully!

The lemon bird used our straw for her nest!

We did NOT get to this area today, but by midweek, we will have it also planted.  This planter is reserved for pumpkins, watermelons, cantaloupe, corn, and blueberries.

Transplanting is necessary!

We washed down the concrete between the gardens after we swept everything up.

Cleanup underway

There are only a few more things to plant, and we may try Monday once we get the corned beef cooking@

Done with planting for today!

We are almost out of straw, which we used as mulch!  We have a third of a bale remaining.

Wait to see this in about 90 days!

Boys will be boys!!  Hey, after five hours of hard work, I needed a break!!


This garden needs attention!  We must weed it and then drop in about six bags of acid dirt.  Weeding is difficult because most of these babies are horny (oops, I mean, they have thorns).

The berries are starting to bloom already.

We got ourselves ready for the Starlighters St. Patrick’s Day soireé.  Now, we’re back to wearing green!

Mary asked me to stop looking for me Lucky Charms and the Pot o’ Gold!

We danced and danced and shut the place down.  Only four people remained out of the 90 who were here this evening.   We had a table for ten, met two new couples, and revisited with four old friends!  It was a delightful evening.

We sat next to Dale and Marsha (who will be 90 years young in two weeks!)

On our way home, we stopped by Aces Bar & Grill to bring some Irish life to the place. We met “D” for the first time, and he bought our drinks—which we did not know until we departed!

Good Night All!!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
This entry was posted in Dancing, Elks, Friends, Gardening, Vegetable Garden. Bookmark the permalink.

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