It’s Thursday And That Means…

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

We decided to take it easy today, so we worked in the garden for an hour, filling up the last of the 100-gallon trash cans. Then, it was time to zip into the shower and get ready to get our hair done. We drove to Huntington Beach, where Mary gets a two-hour treatment, and I dropped my hair off at the dry cleaners next door.


We went VFR (Very Fast Run) from the hair salon to the Elks Lodge for Girls’ Night Out. We had a rousing lunch, complete with a glass of wine, and swapped the latest gossip with the gang. George, Bob, Will, Iris, Mary, and I were teasing each other unmercifully. If there were an award for the most creative gossip, our group would win it every time!

I got this timeless masterpiece via my iPhone three years ago when Mary was still ruling the office. Bob, Colleen, Robin, and I embarked on a sacred quest for wine in Temecula, and lo and behold, we were caught red-handed goofing off! Classic Bob and me, always ready for a good time.

Notice our wine shirts!!

While Mary was catching up on her beauty sleep in the car, I heroically set out to tackle the crucial mission of restocking our wine supply at Trader Joe’s. I bravely fought my way through the aisles, dodging the hordes of other Two Buck Chuck enthusiasts, and emerged victorious with our precious cargo.

But the adventure didn’t end there – I valiantly rushed to Ralph’s to rescue us from the horror of running out of coffee. I emerged triumphantly, with our caffeine supply secured and our household crisis averted. It’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it!

Upon arriving home, Mary decided it was time for apple sauce as we had a bag of apples from George’s tree and a bag of Granny Smiths we bought last week!  We watched TV, and I peeled the apples while Mary removed the beans from the dried string beans!


Upon seeing those beautiful apple peels, I decided to make something from them! Mary made a cinnamon/sugar mixture in a bowl, and we dropped and dragged the peels through the mixture onto a baking sheet, then went with great fanfare. Three hours after baking in a 225-degree oven, we had delicious apple peel crisps!

Crisp and delicious!

While they were cooking, I cooked that last of the filet mignon from the party while Mary prepared some borscht and sour cream; we had a great meal made better by the smell of homemade applesauce cooking on the stove.

Being at home with my special someone, cooking together in the kitchen, and watching a classic movie is the most beautiful feeling. We enjoy each other’s company, sharing laughter, teasing, and creating beautiful memories together. Life is truly a blessing!

The movie was “The Queen Bees” and it was terrific. Temporarily forced to stay in a retirement community, a headstrong woman navigates mean cliques, high-stakes bridge games, and new relationships.

We stayed up until 11:00 pm because the calendar revealed we had nothing going on until Friday night!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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