Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
We played about 12:30 today with Charlotte and the game went fast finishing in less than four hours. We went to Happy Hour and had a couple with the Knoblocks and Bunnaford before hitting the road to Preveza.
At Preveza we met up with Robin and Bob plus Jan Transue and Pam Reed.
After getting home we finished the latest NCIS shows and watched a 1940 movie entitled “Too Many Husbands“. The storyline: It’s been a year since Bill Cardew was declared dead by drowning, and his widow Vicky is now married to his old friend and business partner, Henry Lowndes. When Bill unexpectedly returns from the island where he was marooned, what is Vicky to do? Well, having twice been a rather neglected wife, Vicky finds all the attention from two husbands competing for her favors delightful, and is in no hurry to make a decision…much to the discomfiture of hapless Bill and Henry. With Jean Arthur, Fred McMurry, and Melvyn Douglas you knew it would be funny.