Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Off To Surgery!

We were up at 5:00 am and getting ready for the surgery.  I watched YouTube, and it seems like it’s nothing.

I discovered that around 80% of all Asians that move to America get cataracts.  The remaining 20% usually buy chevrorets, rexus, or rincoln.  Some even get rand lover.

We hit the road at 7:00 am and arrived at 8:00 am; the surgery center was right across from the Newport Beach Elks Lodge/  We knew the area well.  I was prepped for the surgery at 9:00 am and rolled in at 10:10 am sharp.

The first step was the laser which scrambled the cataract and cut a precise slice in the eyeball.  No feeling whatsoever, just Christmas lights twinkling; this took about 3-5 minutes.

The doctor came in and said hello.  I retorted, “Did you hear about the Eye Doctor who changed professions to become a comedian? He made a spectacle of himself.”  The last thing I heard was the doctor asking the nurse for a dull blade.

Then I moved to the operating room, where the nice anesthesiologist worked his magic.  I do not remember a thing, but ten minutes later, they rolled me out into the recovery area, where Dr. Mary awaited my arrival.  I am so happy Dr. Mary drove me to the Elks as I was blotto and kept falling asleep!

We are lucky to have each other; I got the better end of the deal!

What do you call a student who’s studying to become an eye doctor?  A pupil.

We were on the road to the Elks at 11:00 am, where I enjoyed a lovely lunch with Dr. Mary and Bob Z.

The plastic eye shield keeps the eye incision safe while it heals.

Whatever they gave me had me quite woozy, so after returning home, I took several small naps while Mary continued the battle of the boxes.

We went to the front yard and put on the new table cover; now, it will be easy to sit in the chairs as each has its own cover.  Mary watered our sunflowers, which are doing quite well and growing quickly!

We have to keep the little sunflowers moist for the first two weeks.

We had dinner, watched a movie, and then crashed around 8:30 pm as we had to get up at 5:00 am to return to the doctor’s office by 7:00 am, and he was in Newport Beach.

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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