Fact: Rest comes in four flavors:
- Sensory rest: This refers to the state of giving your senses a rest from the experiences of the physical world, for example, closing your eyes for 1-2 minutes after sitting in front of a computer for long hours.
- Emotional rest: This type of rest is often confused with mental rest. Emotional rest refers to the state of denying oneself to be overwhelmed with the feelings of others and creating a space or balance.
- Mental rest: This involves stopping the mind from thinking by creating space between one thought to another without overlapping them.
- Physical rest: This type of rest involves the relaxation of the entire body.
We are happy to announce we didn’t get any rest today! We are just too active. The smell of that delicious elixir, coffee, wafted through the house at 6:30 AM, signaling we better get into gear. We did our morning thing and sat at the breakfast table, discussing the plans for the day.
After a quick check of the calendar, it was obvious Halloween needed to be put away for another year. We got the storage containers ready and merrily pranced around the house on a search and seizure mission. By noon, 90% of Halloween was safely tucked away.
Scout sniffed out the hard-to-find decorations and then sniffed every box several times, committing the contents to memory.
We are ready for Thanksgiving now!
Robin planned to come over at about noon. While we were in the backyard placing mulch into the new garden, we got a call. That little sweetheart stopped by Subway and asked what we wanted for lunch! Mary got a turkey (NOT ME), and I did the veggie. Robin brought Gatorade to ensure I was getting electrolytes as I was still draining. We had a terrific lunch!
Robin joined us in the garden and got a worm’s eye view of the interworking of the watering system.
The south wall now had a layer of soil as we had too much for the garden itself. It looks terrific, and even the deer approves; he decided to sit on the rock and NOT get his hoofs muddy! What do you call an eyeless deer? I have no eye-deer. Where did the deer go to fix its tail? The re-tail shop.
The straw mulch keeps the soil, the, therefore, the roots of the little plants from drying out. It also serves to keep the water from evaporating hence conserving water.
When we were done, we had to go to the garage and use the air compressor to remove the straw from our clothes.
The little plants we put into the group two weeks ago are growing. We lost two strawberries, but that is not too bad. We will replace them Monday if it is not raining too hard. I asked Mary, “What do you call strawberry jam that plays the trumpet?” While jogging back to the patio, I yelled, ” Tooty fruity.” Something whizzed by my head immediately after that.
Robin departed for home, and we looked at dinner options. Prior to dinner, we completed the Halloween packing and watched a movie.
We needed straw, and Amazon has everything, so I ordered two bales of straw; it will be interesting to see how it gets delivered! Mary said, “Don’t order hay for your horse off Amazon! After a few days, they’ll ask for your feed back.”
The cost was a little high, but after factoring in the delivery to the driveway, it was worth it. Two additional bales will last for the rest of this year!
We had dinner and watched the Hallmark Channel and a movie entitled: “A Beautiful Place To Die.” Summary: A retired Boston PD detective and the acting medical examiner at Martha’s Vineyard work together to solve the murder of a mysterious young man.
It kept us awake for a while. We had planned to go to the Skegg’s birthday party, but I was just not up to it because of the draining that was underway. The energy level is about nil; time to talk to the doctor.
We crashed at 9:00 PM and awaited the arrival of the rain.