Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Things Got A Little Dirty Around Here!

Fact:   It takes up to 500 years to produce one inch of topsoil. 2. 10% of the world’s carbon dioxide is stored in soil. 3. Soil is technically the bottom of the food chain, while also being the foundation of earth. 4. There are more microorganisms in one handful of soil than there are people on this planet.

Carlos, our landscaper, and his crew showed up at 8:00 AM this morning and began work.  They had five wheelbarrows going for six hours moving 25 yards of dirt from the driveway to the garden.   Roughly, a yard of dirt weighs in at 2,000 pounds so we moved 50,000 pounds from the front to the back!

I used to own a wheelbarrow full of four-leaf clovers.  But then I realized I really shouldn’t push my luck.

The parade of wheelbarrows begins!

As soon as the bed was ready, I staged the blackberries. Blackberries are an edible fruit of the Rosaceae family, which are commonly consumed raw, or in desserts, jellies, jams, pies, crumbles, and can even be made into wine. Blackberries, like most berries, are extremely high in antioxidants, fiber, and a variety of other health promoting nutrients.

Tomorrow they will be planted; in March we will have berries!

The dirt was perfect; 50% topsoil and 50% mulch!

We filled four beds.

Carlos made sure the soil went to the top of the beds and he had to manually move some of the soil after it was watered.

I used to be able to do that!

The crew worked for almost seven hours transporting the 50,000 pounds of dirt to the garden.  We have to do another 30,000 pounds later on in the week.

The crew was great!

They cleaned up afterwords and the driveway looked better than before the load arrived.

Twenty-five yards of soil got moved!

This evening was “Pierogi Night” as the Duda’s came over and we went to a Polish Deli and got our supplies.   There is a Polka Deli on Tustin about two miles from our place; we went shopping.

They have a wide selection of Polish foods imported directly from the homeland!

Bob won this magnificent bottle of wine doing “pineapple bowling” at the Elks lodge!  It took us a while to get it opened as we did not have a LARGE wine opener.

Mary found a decanter and it worked well.

Did You Know? The purpose of decanting is to give the wine a chance to breathe. Oxygen is introduced to it either by transferring the wine into the decanter or glass and left on the counter for a few hours. Slowly pouring the wine into a decanter lets it absorb oxygen, opening up the aromas and flavors.


Chef Bob starts off the evening with a 3-liter bottle of wine.

Bob never spilled a drop.  MAry works in the background keeping the sauce stirred.

He did not miss a drop!

We talked about our costumes and everyone said I needed a Trident.  So, I went to Amazon, and voila, my trident.  I ordered it and it will come tomorrow.  I love Amazon!  The word “trident” comes from the French word trident, which in turn comes from the Latin word tridens or tridentis: tri “three” and dentes “teeth”.

My costume is now complete

Dinner is served and it was OUTSTANDING.  The four of us laughed and giggled for two hours and then we watched Corpse Bride because that is what Nick and his lady are going to be for Halloween.

Perogie’s are coming.

We had five flavors of Pierogi this evening including sauerkraut, potatoes and cheese, and spinach!  They were all fantastic.


They were so good we all went to a second helping.

With genuine Polish sauce!

Bob retrieves everyone selection; how he did it, no one knows!

The chef was busy.

We are going back to the Polka Deli and get some more of that sauce; it was amazing.

Love that sauce.

We walked about the garden a lot and this is what it will be like in nine months!

Coming to our home soon!

Robin and Bob departed around 9:30 PM and we watched TV for a little longer before crashing.

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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