Fact: Paraskavedekatriaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th.
I woke up, and no Mary; she was already in the kitchen fixing me a great breakfast. Robin, Mary, and I did bacon and eggs! Wow, it was delicious! Robin had a hair appointment down the street and was off at 10:00 AM.
It is hard to imagine that we were still moving Mary’s belongings into the new home just a year ago. We had boxes coming out of our ears, and thank goodness we got the She-She ready to receive.
Meanwhile, Mary and I surveyed the South 40/ Each of the trenches will be filled with rebar and concrete and will serve as the foundation for the 21″ block wall we will use to sit on while gardening.
Based on the roots to date, we have two more days of excavating ahead of us. I went to Google Earth and pulled up our home as seen in 1985. Although the resolution is not terrific, it is obvious there were trees in the South-40 35 years ago!
The excavator is cute and small enough to drive down the size of the house and still powerful enough to dig out the roots.
Finally, we have our driveway back as the blocks are all in the backyard, along with the bull-nose and concrete.
The overflow drain will go into the drainage ditch in the rear of the property should I forget to turn off the water or we get a hefty rain storm. The trick will be going under the fence and through that foundation.
I installed another whirligig today, so now we have six of them and two more on the way!
The roots look benign from this vantage point, but some are eight inches in diameter. The chain saw will be coming out, and our trash cans will be pretty full before this is over.
It is an exciting machine to watch. It was a bazillion levers on it; too complex for me to drive e!
The guard dog was busy all afternoon!
Robin returned after the hair appointment with In-An-Out burgers, so we had a feast. After Robin departed, we watched movies most of the afternoon; one way to keep me off my feet, I guess. We crashed at 6:30 PM as I was still tired from the procedure; those chemicals they use stay in for quite a while.