Tomatoes Galore And Family; A Perfect Day!

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Why is “abbreviation” such a long word?

I got to Mary’s just in time for Robin to text she was on her way to Mary’s also.  We met at 10:00 AM, and Robin delivered her Instapot to help us with cooking St. Patrick’s Day dinner.  We shared a big slice of Irish Sode Bread that I had just made slathered with  Kerry Gold Butter.  Good thing! It held us over until breakfast or lunch!

What do snowmen eat for breakfast? Ice Crispies!  Mary responded with, “A piece of toast and a hard-boiled egg walked into a bar. The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve breakfast here.”

I tried my new iPhone software for putting captions on photos; it works well!

New software in use.

We went to the Original Pancake House in Mary’s truck.  After finding out it was a 45-minute wait, we decided to go to Roger’s and see what we could find there to eat.

When we got to Roger’s, Bob jumped out and went to the Farmhouse and asked if he could get seated, expected a “No!” for an answer.  Well, to our amazement, we were seated immediately.  What a wonderful surprise!

There was plenty of social distancing.

The menu was quite diversified, and the specials were special.  We all had something different, plus I had “The Vaccine” drink; it cured me of whatever I had!  I introduced the girls as my daughters to the waiter; dang, he believed me and told me that I had a nice family!

I told them I had three more who were not here ad that I was prolific.  Next time we will have to bring Joe, a cardboard cutout of Colleen and Michele also!

My girls at the Farmhouse!

They had some interesting drinks, so I ordered them for myself but did share them with the table.

I had to tell everyone about the future, the present, and the past walking into a bar. Things got a little tense.  Mary piped in, saying, “Two five-dollar bills walk into a bar, and the bartender tells them that this is a singles bar.”

Tasting Poppy’s new drink… It was some Margarita!

Bob did all the heavy lifting today; he got us seated and pushed the cart with all the plants around!  He is a great guy!  We took a vote; we are keeping him!  I did ask Bob, “What did E.T.’s mother say to him when he got home?…  Where on Earth have you been?!”

Bob enjoying lunch!

The cuisine was served, and it was beautifully presented.  The top item is fried “sunchoke” or a “Jerusalem artichoke.”  It was excellent. I had a pastrami seasoned salmon with seasonal veggies.

The food was not only good-looking, but it was also delicious!

Mary had the seasonal frittata, which was amazing.  She shared her meal with everyone, and we all thought it was exceptional. The presentation was amazing.  The chef is an artist with food.

I dun died and gone to heaven!

Robin went for a salad, and it was not just a salad; it was terrific.  The Farmhouse is indeed exceptional.

Trying something new!

We sat outside, and even though it was cool, it was pleasant. After an amazing lunch, we headed toward Tomatomania, where we picked up about 25 wild tomatoes.

Did You Know? Tomatoes are thought to originate in Peru. The name comes from the Aztec “xitomatl,” which means “plump thing with a navel”. Love and paradise. When the tomato was introduced to Europe in the 1500s, The French called it “the apple of love.” The Germans called it “the apple of paradise.” 

Entrance this way.

Things we have never heard about ended up in our basket, so that tomorrow will be planting day around the house.

“The world’s largest (and most fun) tomato plant sale” comes to Roger’s Gardens for the 9th year.  Scott Daigre and his staff of Tomatomaniacs offer an astonishing selection of
over 200 varieties of heirloom and hybrid tomato plants, including new varieties for 2021,

The gang unmasked.  Where there is family, there is love.

The girls had a great time reading about the various tomatoes, and some of the names were, well, let us say, “different.”

A trio of banditos.  Remember… How do you fix a broken tomato? Tomato paste!

Mary being Mary… She stopped a young woman and asked about her dog’s eyes which looked to be weeping.  They had a conversation, and basically, the woman took the pet to a vet and got some drops.  Mary did a quick examination of the eyes and told her exactly what was happening and what was needed.  Mary gave her a business card and shared the name of a vet that does animal eyes well.  It was a nice exchange.

Mary being Mary; taking care of others!

We walked through the “hot houses” and gift shops in Roger’s and saw some wonderful flowers and interesting gifts.  I did ask. “What do you call a Chinese Billionaire?” After no answer was forthcoming, I told them, “Cha-Ching!”

A flower for Annie.

Heading back home.

We piled back into the truck with all our goodies and headed back to Mary’s, where Bob and Robin jumped in their vehicle and headed to Corona.  We decided to go into the Swim Spa and spent a good hour plus just talking about the world and our kids.  Scout, The Wonder Dog, was our chaperone making sure we did a lot of funny business.

Well, we got into the house about 7:00 PM, at which time Mary jumped into the recliner right by the fireplace.  We watched some TV before she called it a night.  She headed upstairs and I to my trusty steed and, with great fanfare, grabbed the reins and did a rendition of “Hi-Yo Silver Fox, Away!!!”


About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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