One Day Closer To The Weekend!

“Grief can’t be shared. Everyone carries it alone; his own burden in his own way.” – Anne Morrow Lindbergh

When Sue took me in, she had no idea of my “baggage” but she never complained, she only grew more attached to everyone.  The picture below is from twenty years ago on a family cruise when the Millenium changed!  The little girls are now mothers and Pete’s mom is smiling along with Sue.  It was a weekend to remember.

Sue and I invited twenty family members and friends to sail the Mexican Riveria over the New Years 2000.  I was so proud of my bride as she was wonderful with everybody.  My cousins, aunts, kids, grandkids, in-laws, outlaws, whatever, Sue was Sue.

In my home, I have pictures of Sue or Sue and me together everywhere as it reminds me of the three decades we had together.  There are days where it is difficult to keep going but seeing her, remembering things she said about future possibilities keeps me moving.  I miss you so much my dearest Sue.

Sailing the Seas with family.

Today was slow.  I made it to the kitchen and had my morning coffee to get my heart started.

I popped into the kitchen and headed for the ham, bacon, and eggs and made a protein breakfast.  One meal is all I need of this fine concoction and I am good for the entire day.  Loads of protein and not a lot of calories means 193 pounds is within today’s target range.

After breakfast,  I decided I would walk before the contractor arrives.  Just as I was leaving, Bob called and said he was using today to collect all the supplies he needed to finish the job instead of going to the store every day.  Good idea.  He and Joe, my wonderful son, are getting together as Bob is going to use Joe’s jackhammer to break out the concrete foundation for the shower. A day of “rest”, yeah!

So off I went in a cloud of dust and a hearty “Hi-Yo Silver, Away.”  I say it under my breather because most people would not know what that means.

Yes, I was wearing my Corona-Mask!

My trusty iPhone was playing 1950s music so I zipped right along oblivious to the rest of the world. To a trained eye (or a good musician), one could almost tell the beat I walked to, especially when we get to “The Twist” or “The Stroll”.

Another trip around the block!

It was a quick walk as I needed to get home before the contractor arrives.

Even though it was definitely a “June Gloom” day, the poppies were bright and reaching towards the sun.  They stay blossoming for quite a while.

Poppy’s are blooming.

Did You Know?

  • Poppy seeds have an incredible lifespan and can remain active in fertile soil for up to 8 years
  • Because of their opium properties, even the smallest ingestion of Poppy seeds can result in a false reading on a drug test. Consequently, international travelers are advised not to carry them on airplanes. They are a prohibited goods in Singapore.
  • Poppies are actually considered to be a weed on land used for agriculture; however, they are a welcomed weed because it shows that the soil is fertile and able to support growth.
  • If you’re looking for a bouquet featuring Poppies, your best time to get them is in-between June and October, which is their natural blooming period.

Down the road a piece, our resident artist has been at work and this time we have a fox. Made from the palm bark that she sculpted and decorated and painted beautifully, it was an eye-catcher.  Amazing work as it is funny, creative, and most of all, weatherproof.

“I is looking right at choo!”

Then I saw the frog, which was so bright it looked alive.  Next time I walk by I shall make an offering to him, a bag of flies?  No, I meant flies, not fries!

She is very clever.

As if that weren’t enough, the next artistic item was a goose directly from Canada whizzing right along with the breeze.

Some people trash is other peoples art work!

As I was walking home, my iPhone decided to show me pictures from years gone by.  I year ago today we celebrated my great-granddaughter “graduation ” from pre-school.  It was a memorable day as that was the day I also lost my oldest daughter forever.

Miss Lilly is heading toward elementary school now!

We enjoyed the celebration and drove next door to Rebecca and Zack’s home to continue the celebration.  The picture below is us in the church during the ceremonies.  It is hard to believe that eight months later Sue would not be around to see Lilly go forth and blossom into the wonderful child I know she will be. Great-grandma Sue was always talking about Lilly and Calhan, and Logann.

Very proud great-grand-parents.

I continued on the walk making about 1.75 miles and arrived home just in time to have a great idea, why not play golf with James?  We teed off at 4:15 PM and went for nine holes.  Who keeps score, I just played for fun and exercise.

Another 2.75 miles under my belt; this is good!

A good walking day, four and a half miles!  I was fairly tired so I showered and called Colleen, my baby, and chatted with her.  She is pretty smart and could tell I was dragging so I was instructors, “Go to bed Dad, you look beat!”  Then I called Lee to see if she suggested “Cougar Town” and it was her.  The series is funny as can be!

I laid down and then Joe called followed by Robin and Lisa so all the kids checked in today except Michele and she checked in yesterday.

I did chat with Marianne H. and we are going to find a time to get together over the weekend.  Now, it is bed time!  The next sound you hear will be a large CRASH!!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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