Sunday Has Arrived And It Is Going To Be Hot!

But if you figure in the wind chill factor, it’s only 102.

First things first, me and the bathroom scale (a digital miracle with blue took connectivity to the iPhone), argued.  I felt like the little guy below!

My scale now says 209.8, but it has been stuck there for two days!

WTH?  It is a week from Thanksgiving, and the heat outside was a balmy 91 degrees about 3:00 PM. Taking advantage of the situation, and the fact I am feeling much better, to hit the front door entrance with a large trash can and some sharp shears.  Voila, a transformation from jungle to a pathway in thirty minutes flat, was accomplished!

Clear path ahead!

While working in the garden, I called Lee, my High School girlfriend, and now a family friend.  We talked for probably forty minutes.  She is a sweetheart, and now she will be joining us for “A Christmas Carol,” the Christmas Play, and possibly New Year’s Eve.

It is so lovely to have my bride accept the fact I knew girls while in High School and embrace them as friends half a century later (instead of acting jealous).  Lee is a beautiful person, plus she loves to dance, and she and Bob Z. also knew each other from competitive skating 50+ years ago.

Me, of course, surrounded by beautiful women!

We are making some recovery progress as Sue did 45 minutes on the treadmill today and is anxious to keep that activity going so we can get back to dancing.  I stay with her while she is on the machine to make sure all is well.

The Little Engine That Could!

Late in the afternoon, a headed to the market for some quick pick-ups and to check on the Nestle’s Tollhouse tookie situation!  Alas, no tookies to be had, so I got some more of the salt-water flavored chocolate chip “replacements.”  While there, I could not pass up getting a Marie Calendar’s frozen cherry pie. After all, I have lost twelve pounds, so I deserve a reward!

Well, after getting it home and hiding the pie in the freezer, I finally got it out, thinking I might cook it.  OMG, the label was more frightening than Halloween!  It said, in clean black and white print, “1/9th of the pie contains 380 calories! That means that an innocent morsel of baked cherry pie contains 3,480 calories. I darned near dropped it!

So, instantly, I conferred with my bride, and she had a solution (she is my “go-to” person).  Elegant, simple, and positive on many levels!  She said, “Go ahead and cook the pie, take one piece and enjoy it, then take the nice warm pie next door to Vicky and Del!”  As usual, the woman is a wizard.  Del loves cherry pie, and he does NOT care about pesky calories, I get a slice of heaven, and the temptation is removed!

Now I can’t get the song “Bye Bye Miss American Pie” out of my mind!

Time for a movie and we went to the Hallmark Channel and watched “The Bridge.”  Molly and Ryan share a profound friendship with their first semester in college. At their favorite bookstore and coffee shop, The Bridge, they spend countless hours studying and inspiring the other to dream. But can Molly and Ryan’s unspoken love survive the expectations of others as to what their lives should ultimately be? Stars Wyatt Nash, Katie Findlay, Faith Ford, and Ted McGinley. Based on #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Kingsbury’s “The Bridge: A Novel.”

It’s Hallmark, so it has got to be good! This one came in two parts, and we watched both!

We did batphone calls with Colleen and Lisa so we could catch up on all the latest.  Love the bat phone!

Later on in the evening, we watched Boston Legal and ER before crashing.  I didn’t fall asleep just yet as I realized I never finished our Christmas website from 2018.  Sue had some severe medical conditions, and while taking care of her, my maintenance of the 2018 site went lacking, seriously.  So, every night, I will spend an hour getting it up to speed. The task should take about three hours, and it will be acceptable.

Special takes to our son Joe who took many pictures for me last year.  He is a special guy!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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