Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
I just found out I’m colorblind. The diagnosis came completely out of the purple!
I dropped like a rock last night and this morning the ol’ body awoke at 7:00 AM…Ouch! Time to meet Colleen at our favorite…Gourmet Pies! We met at 8:00 Am and enjoyed a super breakfast..harassed the waitress…laughed and giggled for a good hour!
Colleen had a long day planned including a visit to Temecula and her grandparents gravesite to put flowers on it…she is a caring person. The grandparents were grand people who left us much too early! After looking at the dates, my folks could have easily been their folks as mine were both born about twenty years earlier.

I spent the day in and out of the hospital trying to get Sue hijacked but alas, it took from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM to get all the doctors to “sign-off” for a release.
Diagnosis: Acute UTI; Toxic metabolic encephalopathy. Acute toxic–metabolic encephalopathy (TME) is a condition of acute global cerebral dysfunction manifested by altered consciousness, behavior changes, and/or seizures in the absence of primary structural brain disease or direct central nervous system (CNS) infection.
We went to California Pizza Kitchen at 6:15 PM with Colleen and grandson Connor after she escaped… time for a wine and a lot of fun sharing. We laughed and giggled until almost 9:00 PM at which time we had to high tail it to CVS to pick up some prescriptions. Sue was back to normal cracking hair jokes, at my expense, and laughing at all the old stories!
We have not seen a lot of Connor recently as he had a new job so we agreed to figure out a way to see each other twice a month minimum! We will go to dinner or a show or something on a regular basis!
Connor headed home and Colleen and us watched TV until about 11:40 PM. We all laughed at the Gilmore Girls. Sue was feeling pretty good as we crashed for the day!