Mid Week Or Hump Day

What do you call a week without a Wednesday? Humphrey (Hump Free).

Not a lot planned today so into the garden with a vengeance I go…tiny shovel and 100 gallon trash can in hand…into the forest of weeds! OK, not quite a forest by approaching it. With the sciatica bothering me I decided being on the hands and knees would be OK so me and Rush spent three hours together.

Cleaned out and ready to go!

No more weeds in the back yard planters and all the grape vine got their dose of kika-poo joy juice… I am expecting 10 pound berries tomorrow morning.

What we are expecting in about 60 days!
Just babies right now!

The cleaning folks were due about 2:00 PM so we departed for Mama’s at 1:45 PM. A great lunch was had by all. The chicken caesar salad was outstanding and I have never seen Sue eat so much. The grilled cheese with home made chips almost disappeared from in front of her!

Mama’s is on Seal BEach Blvd walking distance from us…we drove. The wait staff this afternoon was OUTSTANDING! Very thoughtful. Sue has a wine and I did a Gin & Tonic…second round was non-alcoholic wine and iced tea.

Fantastic salad… crunchy lettuce and I had shrimp as the protein

Did You Kaow? The salad’s creation is generally attributed to restaurateur Caesar Cardini, an Italian immigrant who operated restaurants in Mexico and the United States.  Cardini was living in San Diego but he was also working in Tijuana where he avoided the restrictions of Prohibition.

His daughter Rosa recounted that her father invented the salad at his restaurant Caesar’s (at the Hotel Cesar) when a Fourth of July rush in 1924 depleted the kitchen’s supplies. Cardini made do with what he had, adding the dramatic flair of the table-side tossing “by the chef.”

We returned home and got some paperwork so we could go to the hospital and pick up some images we needed for an appointment with a brain aneurism specialist on Friday at Long Beach Memorial Hospital.

Homeward bound I took Sue on a short detour through our “hood” to point out other people who transformed their front yards into gardens. I specially pointed out the house where the man is converting his grapefruit tree into an orange tree…no, really…he is about 20% done at this time.

Arriving home I decided I had better water the strawberries as they are growing like Topsy. (After a character in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852), who, asked about God, says “I s’pect I growed. Don’t think nobody never made me.”)

Fresh strawberries every morning

We called Aunt Kaye (our 96 year old Aunt) to check u on her…she is beginning to enjoy the new home and even has friends to dine with at breakfast and lunch/dinner!

Check in time with Mitch (our sone-in-law). He is doing so well…he now worked for the President of is company directly and is Director of Upgrades and Special Projects. He has grown the customer base by nearly 2,000 as his boss was very surprised to fine out…Mitch told him “Boss, you gotta start reading your emails!!. We love it when a life turns around! Mitch is going to have lunch and color eggs with us on the 20th surrounded by family!

AI saw water was running into the street slowly from our house…I know I turned off the hoses. Well, after a short investigation I found I have a leak in the PVC pipe in the garden. It’s about 18″ down so tomorrow, after the dentist, this ol’ boy gets to play in the mud and fix the pipe! Poof! How did I get a leak after four years? The lifespan of PVC is rated at 50 to 60 years on average, but may also last up to a hundred. I must have a bad joint somewhere!

I hope this is not full of water in the morning!

We got our South Coast Reperatory season offerings after getting home. We decided what to do and sent then a bag of money immediately. We have greatest seats in the house…one the aisle in row four meaning a) Sue does not having anyone in front of her and b) we can just up and head for the bar at the intermission! Gotta love life!

So it is time for a nappy! I tried to rest for an hour but alas, after 30 minutes of starring at the ceiling fan I decided phooey, time for TV. We watched two episodes each of S.H.I.E.L.D and Gilmore Girls. The Donna Reed episode was really funny. The dialog is so quick I can’t help but getting tickled.

Science Fiction

We crashed at 10:45 PM but I stayed up long enough to do the final corrections of the Toppers Newsletter (we are the editors/publishers for the club…have been for ten years now). Since we are switching venue’s, we wanted to get the new out early! Yes, we did tookies at 10:30 PM…gotta have tookies!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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