Monday; A New Challenge Begins

They say St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland. I wonder if he could do that for Congress

I was thinking about when I grew up and all of a sudden my emal lights up and I got a note from Willy…a guy I used to work with and he had a link into YouTube that summed it up well!

It really was this way!  No, really!

Today was really “Doctor’s Day” as I went for my annual physical with Dr. Asbill at 8:20 AM.  Sue went along with me to take notes but there were not too many to take!  I came out well and the blood panels were excellent for an ol’ fart according to the doctor.

He made an observation that my toenails may have a slight fungus beneath them and suggested soaking in Apple Cider Vinegar?

Did You Know?  Apple Cider Vinegar, no doubt has a lot of health benefits. It can prevent a lot of diseases, treat respiratory problems, help lose weight and even help in gaining a clear and healthy digestive system. It can also be used as a disinfectant for the household. This natural remedy for almost everything also has a lot of benefits when it comes to putting your feet into this vinegar every night. It helps remove bacteria and disease causing germs from the body.

Though it has a distinct aroma that can be intolerable for certain people, its health benefits by submerging your feet in it, exceed this disadvantage by a lot. We know that our feet have a lot of germs in it and suffer from a lack of oxygen as they are covered all day by our shoes or socks. This can be very damaging for our feet as it can lead us to have dry feet, asperities, calluses and other fungal infections. The use of apple cider vinegar can kill the fungi and microbes responsible for the bad odour in our feet.

I tried it and felt pretty good.  Three times a week for a month and see the difference!  Yeah!  Maybe I will dance better?

We were so happy that we decided to go to Gourmet Pie’s for breakfast and they are amazing…ALWAYS busy and plenty of grub.

Great food and plenty of it!

Sue got two entrees but her plan is to take it home and have breakfast the rest of the week!  I, on the other hand, celebrated my blood test and pigged out a on pork omelette!

We went home afterwords to prepare for the next visit and that was to Dr. Parissa Vassef of the Neuromedical Diagnostic Medical Group.  She is going to assist us in getting the DMV to clear Sue for driving after the stroke. BTW, she is in her 30’s, quite attractive, single, loves to dance…why can’t I find some 30 year old ballroom dancers? Dang!

Very personable young lady!

From there we went to Malanie’s to see the sunset but no Irene this evening.  She took a spill on the dance floor Sunday evening and was just a little sore opting instead of Malanie’s, to stay home and recover.  We have one drink and also returned home to rest.

I hit the hay at 10:00 PM, early by my standards, as I was tired from the previous evening.  Studying for a blood test takes a lot of effort!

Around midnight I heard something outside… does someone want to rob us…should I get the shotgun or the trusty 45?  I opened the door carefully and to my surprise, it was a masked bandit!

The big guy was looking avocados in our tree!

I chased him off but he was not afraid!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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