Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
No walking today… Gotta work in the garden! So Paul started and finished the tree garden today. The Nectarine, Apple, Avocado, and both Figs are looking great. They got new straw mulch and got feed some goodies from the nursery. It’s nice to be able to working the office and see the trees working hard to produce fruit for our table!
Other good news of the day… Our first < $100 electric bill EVER! Paul has been battling electricity consumption for over a year now and by turning things off and watching carefully the bill has dropped 66% in winter! We saved over $200 from last year! Excited? Indeed! Hey, it adds up! I always remember ,” I’m currently boycotting any company that sells items I can’t afford. ”
So we got several Christmas presents today… safety goggles (for using the bench grinder), four rechargeable C-cells (Paul hates to drags the radio around the backyard looking for AC outlets), and a new supply of MRE’s… enough for a week for the two of us.
Speaking of MRE’s, Each meal provides about 1200 Calories (5020.8 kJ). They are intended to be eaten for a maximum of 21 days (the assumption is that logistics units can provide fresh food rations by then), and have a minimum shelf life of three years (depending on storage conditions).
Paul spent some time measuring for a small (8×12) storage shed needed to get the garage emptied! Of course, we will have to move the pool pump and heater about 24 inches to the north in order to fit the shed in but alas… it must be done!
Around 6:00 PM Paul called it a day! Time to come in from playing in the yard! We watched TV and two movies before the evening was done… Love those Hallmark mysteries!