Paul began the day with an hour walk around the neighborhood taking a few snapshots of springtime. Sue had some chores to do.
Springtime was in evidence everywhere. The trees and flowers we beautiful! Mother nature knows her colors!
Breakfast was ready when Paul returned. Sue had been busy creating in the kitchen. Paul picked some radishes earlier and had no idea what to do wit them. Sue made a “radish salad”… It was fantastic! So much so that Paul got some more seeds and planted them that afternoon.
We went to Sue’s hair dresser at 11:00.
We went to H&H Nursery and got fig trees and some more veggies. We got green beans, some herbs, beet and radish seeds and other goodies. Sue did the treadmill while Paul labored in the front forty after planting the figs!
We got cleaned up and met up with the Branders for a great evening with the Bee Gee’s at Cerritos… Toe tappin’ music!
On the was out of the theater Sue said Paul’s favorite words… “Let’s get a drink!”. We headed for Patty’s Place in Seal Beach and did a martini or two before going home. Chuck was tending bar so we felt quite welcome!
We sent out a couple of texts with the following picture… Just so family and friends knew we were not thirsty!
We headed for home about 11:30 and crashed… Busy day tomorrow!