Mary told me to stop impersonating a flamingo. I had to put my foot down.
First things first, Scout, The wonder Dog, wanted out. He kept looking at the sunrise as if he knew the rains would be coming soon.
The personalized puzzle was finished this morning by Mary, the puzzleologist. On the other hand, I worked in my office paying bills and searching for some tax documents that I needed. I know they say that money talks, but all mine says is ‘Goodbye.’
Alexa said, “Be ready; the rain will start at 10:15 AM in Los Alamitos”. She missed it by one minute! At 10:16 AM, the clouds opened up, lightning struck, the thunder roared, and everything became soaked.
The doorbell rang, and a man asked for a small donation toward the local swimming pool. I gave him a glass of water.
We departed my place around 10:30 AM just after the cleaning folks arrived and went to Mary’s, where we had a lite breakfast of oatmeal. I am getting this regularly as it will drop my LDL cholesterol number.
We had a salad for lunch made mostly from our collective gardens. We talked to Colleen for almost half an hour, getting caught up on everything. Then a short walk for Mr. Scout before we went to the Elks Lodge for Mary’s “investigation”; she will be made a member of the Benevolent And Protective Order Of Elks in about three weeks.
Dr. Capps arranged to have us sit inside where it was warm, and his Mary, Bob Z., and Karen joined us for a delightful dinner with lively banter going on for a good hour or so.
We were inside at a nice table, and it was warm!
Mary and Bill have been friends for years, but we have just got to know them well recently.
Of course, my brother from another mother, Bob, was in attendance, making a great target for my delicious devil-filled jabs!
We departed the Elks and made a quick stop by the Rib Trader to visit Jim and have a glass of wine.
We had to hear Jim’s joke of the day… “This grasshopper walks into a bar, and the bartender says, “Hey! We have a drink named after you!” The grasshopper replies, “Really? You have a drink named Steve?!”
After the short visit, we came home, watched TV, and crashed. It was a busy day.