“No farewell words were spoken, no time to say goodbye, you were gone before I knew it, and only God knows why.” – Author Unkown
Sue is smiling because she did it again! She got me on that thing called a Ferris Wheel raising me thousands of feet into the air supported by teeny tiny metal rods just waiting for a California trembler to begin. Sue delighted in going to high places and looking down; I am more of a sit on the ground person.
How could I ever say no to Sue? I never did, and I found myself on Ferris wheels in London, Toyoko, Australia, and almost every county fair we visited around the country. I do not remember much as my eyes were tightly closed, and I was saying prayers as these evil machines made horrid sounds while whirling around at break-neck speeds.
For you, my darling wife, I did it! I miss you so much, but not so much, the Ferris wheels!
It is a special day as my youngest is having a birthday. She is ## years old today and, if she sends $100 by the end of the day, I will not go back and fill in the missing numbers.
Colleen and Sue were always great friends, and I miss seeing their interaction as it was fun to watch! When Colleen moved to New Hampshire, Sue would say at least once a week, “Let’s call Colleen and check in on her!”
It is also a great day, as I am now officially under 190 pounds! Yes, after gingerly stepping on my new BFF, the numbers bounced around like a slot machine and finally settled in at 189.8 pounds! Ten more to go, and my goal will be achieved.
An attempt was made to listed to the Congressional hearings on AG Barr, but after ten minutes, my blood pressure boiled over and turned it off. It amazes me how the democrats can be such boldface liars in the face of filmed evidence. They need to be checked for mental wellness! Back to music for me, the news is not available, anywhere.
Breakfast calls and the refrigerator had the standard bacon and eggs, but spotted in the corner, cowering, was hot Italian sausage. Twenty minutes later, breakfast, with Sue’s Champagne, was being served. Yummy!
Time for chores before getting ready for golf! The dryer was opened to see what its contents were and, low and behold, jeans and sweatshirts were ready to be hung up. While hanging up the clothes, it was decided a good count of the Hawaiian shirts was needed. One-hundred-seventy-six was the official count! Dang, at $40/shirt, a small fortune was invested over the years!
Golf was fantastic as I did fine on seven of the nine holes, we will NOT talk about the other two! We, Charlotte and me, did a champaign-split after the game before heading for home. We played with another couple, and they were quite delightful, and they did not snicker when my ball decided to enter the self-washing system, commonly called the lake!
4:30 PM, and the Grey Ghost and I headed to Patty’s to meet Mary. Before she arrived, I decided my table decorations needed some pictures as the flowers were so pretty and the martini was perfect.
Chuck did the honors with the camera set at f22, meaning everything is in focus, or as in focus as it can be for the subject matter at hand!
A couple of adjustments later and data lens setting of f2, only part of the picture was in focus. I am always amazed at what digital photography can do, especially with an iPhone camera!
A text arrived at 5:20 PM, saying Mary had just left the Long Beach VA Hospital and would call or text when she entered the parking lot.
Since Patty’s is well hidden in the business complex, I sent her a detailed map. She called and said, “I think I am nearby, and I am in a red car!” Chuck was handed the phone, and he gave her the directions for the last 150 feet. Saying she had a red car was an understatement. At first, I thought it was the fire department arriving!
Mary and I reminisced about the many dances, dance events, and wine train trips we had gone too over the past many years. Sue and I have known Mary for quite a while, probably meeting first at the Avalon Ball fifteen or more years earlier and then again as a Starlighter dance club member every other month. Mary is an ophthalmologist or for those like me who are scared of five-syllable words, an MD, and an eye surgeon.
She speaks English, Spanish, Russian, Swedish, and German while I am lucky to form a complete sentence. Chuck did the camera honors, but I had to move to Mary’s side of the table for the shot.
We both are learning to cook more these days and had good laughs about not knowing the difference between a teaspoon and tablespoon (me) and not peeling a winter squash before cooking it (Mary). Mary visits Jan Mongell quite often as they are almost neighbors. Jan plans to make her an “Honorary Italian” based upon Mary’s spaghetti cooking talents.
We talked about traveling and cruising. Below Mary is describing a Mexican Cruise where she was in a dance contest and showed the young girls how serious dancing is done! Great fun and super evening, good memories, and we got an update on all the people we jointly know.
Home by 9:00 PM and a cup of coffee to end a lovely evening! Tomorrow I am off for another adventure in Temecula.
As I went to bed, I kept thinking about my beautiful bride and all the fantastic times we had together enjoying our family. Here we are with Colleen, grandkids (Jon, Cassie, and Jax), our nieces (Hannah and List), and Diane (Pat must be taking the picture).
Good night all!