“If all the cars in the United States were placed end to end… it would probably be Labor Day Weekend.” ~ Doug Larson
We had our champagne and then it was obvious to me…I needed to go shopping at Lowe’s. Off I go…then we had the “GREAT MOOKIE ADVENTURE”.
What is a “Mookie Adventure” you ask? Well it is when a LFBP (Little Fast Black Puppy) gets loose and runs around the streets. So, how did it sart?
Minding my own business, I noticed a black streak dash across of the street in from of me… ten second last a 40-some guys took off across the street and ten second later his bride began the chase. This dog was FAST…they got within ten feet and off he went again! IDEA! I stopped, invited the wife to ride with me and we got ahead of the LFBP. Mom in front, Dad in back, me providing taxi service.
The littler bugger escaped again so this time I pocked upo the Dad and got him out in front. The idea worked…Mookie cold not figure out how Mom and Dad was surrounding him…and they were NOT out of breath! Mom finally trapped him and up in her arms he went.
I took the LFBP, and his Mommy and Daddy back to their house. Success. Project Mookie was a success!
My journey can now continue so Lowe’s here I come. I was looking for a few things I needed in the shop and success was mine. Returning home, we had breakfast/brunch and then it was time for the garden. I removed another six tomato plants and have only three remaining from this years garden. More munch is needed so I have to find someone with a pickup to get me five bales of straw.
we watched TV, did the tookies, and crashed! Tomorrow may be a busy day!