Temecula Adventures... August 31, 2015

No man needs a vacation so much as the person who has just had one. ~Elbert Hubbard

The Gang Is Still On The Prowl (Page Two)

Page 1 - Arrival, Lunch, and Briar Rose   |  Page 2 - Pickups and Carter's New Winery

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
Maurice Carrie - We need champagne

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
The crape myrtle was beautiful in the bright sunlight

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
Check the flag... It is moving with the breeze

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
The windmill was really moving

Did You Know? - Multi-bladed wind pumps can be found worldwide and are manufactured in the United States, Argentina, China, New Zealand, and South Africa.

A 16 ft (4.8 m) diameter wind pump can lift up to 1600 US gallons (about 6.4 metric tons) of water per hour to an elevation of 100 ft with a 15 to 20 mph wind (24–32 km/h).

A properly designed wind pump begins working in a 3-4 mph (5 to 6.5 km/h) wind. Wind pumps require little maintenance—usually only a change of gear box oil annually.

An estimated 60,000 wind pumps are still in use in the United States. They are particularly attractive for use at remote sites where electric power is not available and maintenance is difficult to provide.

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
There is a lot of truth to this!

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
Would you call this "Cats Up"

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
That should fit inside my coat jacket quite easily!

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
A beautiful sight... Anywhere

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
The chandelier was beautiful from the inside

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
Oh oh... We must be in trouble (Courtesy of Ed Roberts)

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
Donna brings the tastes out to Sue (Courtesy of Ed Roberts)

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
"Well.... Where is mine?"

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
The girls bounce out of the car and head to the door

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
Great shoulder warmers (Courtesy of Ed Roberts)

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015   Temecula adventure 8/31/2015   Temecula adventure 8/31/2015

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
Brand new and already winning awards

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
What is she thinking? Dime for your thoughts!

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
They made Donna walk a chalk line before they would give us a taste!

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
They look too serious

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
Great friends... Great times (Courtesy of Ed Roberts)

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
All smiles... The wine must be good!

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
A decision is about to be born!

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
Colleen and Pablo made the day... So good to see them again!

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
We like having Pablo around... He talks to the waiter

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
They make the wine next door and you can see it through large plate glass windows

Did You Know? - Flat glass, sheet glass or plate glass is a type of glass, initially produced in plane form, commonly used for windows, glass doors, transparent walls, and windshields. For modern architectural and automotive applications, the flat glass is sometimes bent after production of the plane sheet.

Flat glass stands in contrast to container glass (used for bottles, jars, cups) and glass fiber (used for thermal insulation, in fiberglass composites, and optical communication).

Glass for flat glass has a higher magnesium oxide and sodium oxide content than container glass, and a lower silica, calcium oxide, and aluminium oxide content. (From the lower soluble oxide content comes the better chemical durability of container glass against water, which is required especially for storage of beverages and food).

Most flat glass is soda-lime glass, produced by the float glass process.


Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
Put them to work ... Donna asked about the purple cows outside the building

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
We showed her

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
Grapes go up... Juice comes down... It's the third law of physics

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
When you play "Hide and Seek" in a winery, always hide in the vat!

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
Shopping time

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
"Hey Sue... Let's fill it up!"

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
The girls have a great idea

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
"Sue... Have you seen Bob?"

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
Bob had a glass of wine at lunch so he could be part of the adventure
even though he was still in the OC

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
Definitely here is spirit

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
Sleeping Beauty?

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
No... He was playing possum! Paul & Ed had to drive to so we ceased the tastings

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
No one around... Very quite outside

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
The tasting room was large and quite "formal"

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015
Made for blending wine! Five at a time!

Temecula adventure 8/31/2015

Page 1 - Arrival, Lunch, and Briar Rose   |  Page 2 - Pickups and Carter's New Winery