Our Oregon 50th Reunion Adventure

Why fit in when you were born to stand out?

Day 9 - Driving Home

We had a nice breakfast in Solvang and after breakfast, we went shopping.. No use rushing into LA traffic. We saw Robin this morning as she stayed in the house and the security cameras worked well. Great party Robin!

So we are driving east today.

Day 9 Solvang
Three hours with no traffic; it took us five hours!

Day 9 Solvang
The stork is delivering a baby?

For most of us, the stork is a symbol of joy; of a bright future on the horizon. Although the meaning of the stork is not always the same, it is telling of the nature of these beautiful birds that they are so consistently associated with happy things to come.

Day 9 Solvang
Danish Latte?

Day 9 Solvang
"Mommy, I wants a latte also!"

Day 9 Solvang

Day 9 Solvang
Paul dined in style!

Oregon Reunion Adventure June 2022
Scout makes sure the food is OK!

Oregon Reunion Adventure June 2022

Day 9 Solvang

Day 9 Solvang
Leather store, yeah!

Oregon Reunion Adventure June 2022
Taking a stroll.

Day 9 Solvang
This is Charlotte Sanders approved!

Day 9 Solvang
Mary found all sorts of goodies here .

Day 9 Solvang
She found her famous pancakes  (aebleskiver )here.

Oregon Reunion Adventure June 2022

The aebleskiver pan is a cooking utensil designed specifically for making the Danish pancake ball known as an aebleskiver, ebleskiver or apple dumpling. This type of pancake has a round ball-like shape rather than a flattened plate-like shape, similar to a crepe or a North American pancake.

Day 9 Solvang
I gained weight walking by the store

On a sad note, I received a call from Dave Mall's daughter. Dave passed awaay this morning. He was a good man and a lot of fun to talk too. RIP Paul David Mall

Oregon Reunion Adventure June 2022

Day 9 Solvang
It is wine-o'clock for sure!

Day 9 Solvang
We had a drink with Charlotte before heading east again; home is 20 minutes away.

Day 9 Solvang
Let's see the comics!