Himalayan Grill For Lunch And Pre-Carving Cavorting 10/28/2017
Luisa knows exactly what to order!
Did You Know? - The Nepal flag is the only national flag that is not quadrilateral in shape. It is made of two triangles. The triangles are said to represent Hinduism and Buddhism. They also represent the Himalayan Mountains.
Michele knows it is safe to order here
Did You Know? - Namaste is the standard greeting in Nepal. It can mean Hello, Good Bye, Thank You but translates to “I salute the God in you.” People put their palms together and then bow their forehead, and say “Namaste."
Zack is one handsome devil... Comes from his Grandpa!
Beautiful Becca!
Did You Know? - About 90% of marriages in Nepal are arranged and the bride and groom will usually not meet or see each other before the wedding day. Although, 'love' marriages (choosing your own partner) are becoming slightly more popular.
The girls have fun with trading cards
Franklyn studies the menu
Gentlemen... How is lunch?
Anyone see Theo?
Thanks Nick... We were not sure!
Theo gots the giggles
Pete gets the lowdown!
Pete gets the girls... You now those Marines!
Lilly is having a ball!
Grandma's order is on automatic!
David... Celebrating 94 years!
Greg and David
...all smiles!
Miss Lisa loves the Nepali food for a change from the daily grind
Samosa Chat - Delicious
Luisa scares the girls
Leiana is getting in big trouble with Grandma!
OK... Let's head for pumpkin carving!